Evidence of Evolution
Fossils Provide Evidence Animal fossils show a pattern of development from early ancestors to their modern descendants. There are gaps in the fossil record. Fossils are rare nid=vSsuBQ-o-EFlxM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=219&ei=- 6ahTYjRF6iU0QGo5JSEBQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpterodactyl%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUS398%26biw%3D1438%26bih%3D680%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1109&vpy=148&dur=18 95&hovh=174&hovw=290&tx=91&ty=85&oei=-6ahTYjRF6iU0QGo5JSEBQ&page=1&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0
FOSSIL: The preserved or mineralized remains (bone, petrified tree, tooth, or shell) or imprint of an organism that lived long ago.
Three Major Points Earth is about 4.5 billion years old Organisms have inhabited the earth for most of its history All organisms living today evolved from earlier, simpler life-forms.
Crinoid fossil Found in an 800 MILLION year old rock from Indiana ch?v=cZcomBnNKXg
Paleontologist Scientist who studies fossils.
Paleontology Paleontologists can determine how old fossils are. They use radiometric dating to determine the half life. tent/radioactivity/half-life- simulation/ tent/radioactivity/half-life- simulation/
Evolution of Whales
Biological Molecules Provide Evidence Proteins Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins Amino acid + amino acid + amino acid = PROTEIN The more amino acids two species have in common, the more closely related they are.
Hemoglobin Comparisons with humans Species Amino Acid differences Gorilla1 Rhesus monkey8 Mouse27 Chicken45 Frog67 Lamprey125
Biological Molecules Provide Evidence Nucleic Acids Scientists can determine the number of nucleotide differences among organisms to see how closely related they are. They make DNA comparisons.
Anatomy & Development Suggest Common Ancestry Vestigial Structures Homologous Structures Development of Embryos
Vestigial structures: Structures that are present in an organism but are reduced in size and are no longer useful. Examples: Wings of flightless birds, fingernails on manatee fins, and goosebumps (not a structure but a reaction).
Homologous structures Structures that similar in form but different in function. Examples: Forelimbs of vertebrates
Development of Embryos
Guess the Embryo embryo.html