Industrial Revolution American History – Henrichsen
Machinery Engines Steam Water Gasoline Factories Clothing Goods Assembly Line Uneducated labor Many jobs available Mass production
Inventions Refrigerated rail cars Typewriter Kodak camera Elevator Cable and Electric streetcar Fountain Pen Gillette Razor Cash Register Vacuum Cleaner Which of these inventions has most affected our lives today? What do you think you could invent that would affect future society?
Child Labor The new source of labor Small and easy to fit inside the machinery Destroyed the body Long hours
Labor Unions Workers got together to encourage safety, better pay, as well as continued jobs when the government and society were pro- business Laws were created to specifically ban unions as they were seen as anti-business and possibly communist Anti-immigrant ideas used to support many of the anti-union laws
Women Workers Right to vote still not there Workers in factories Pay is always less then men Preferred for some jobs as they were smaller and easier to fit in the small spaces Definite ties to the garment industry Education Social Influence
Politics Political Machines – Boss Tweed Corruption Close ties to business Not seen as a problem Thomas Nast
Immigration Not a unified group as many seem today. Many divisions and hatred especially to those who were from either the poorer and/or Catholic areas of Europe There were specific rules against immigration from Asia based on racism and cultural differences A move to send Black Americans back to Africa was led by Marcus Garvey and eventually started the country of Liberia
Monopolies Vertical Control every aspect of a single product from production to the final sales and distribution US Oil US Steel Horizontal Control a single level of a product ie all distribution, sales or production Microsoft
Social Darwinism Misapplication of Darwin’s theories on evolution to areas of society such as money and inherited wealth and land Usually referred specifically to those of a different ethnic and/or religious background
Social Gospel Reaction to Social Darwinism Provides good works to the people of the US based on religion Includes ideas such as settlement houses, aid to single mothers, immigrants Jane Addams – Hull House