Progressives USH-4.6
I. Why have progress? A.Start as a response to problems in the cities and factories 1.Helped the middle class who: a)Didn’t want to pay taxes to corrupt gov’ts b)Wanted better services B.Journalists called muckrakers point out all of the bad stuff 1.Political machines, NA, workers, immigrants, Bosses
II. Women’s Rights A.Begins at Seneca Falls B.New school & job opportunities C.Suffrage starts out West 1.Wyoming is 1 st to allow women to vote 2.Women worked hard as pioneers 3.National Association of Colored Women works toward votes for AA women
II. Women’s Rights D.National American Women’s Suffrage Assoc. 1.Started by Carrie Chapman Catt in Opposed drinking and political bosses 3.Split up over tactics
II. Women’s Rights E.National Woman’s Party 1.Led by Alice Paul 2.Picketed the White House 3.Attacked by men 4.Arrested 5.Used hunger strikes in prison F.Women get suffrage with the passing of the 19 th Amendment in 1920
II. Women’s Rights F.Equal rights was next 1.Wanted an amendment 2.Jane Addams built a settlement house in Chicago a)Hull House b)Vocational classes c)Childcare 3.Worked for child labor laws a)Supreme Court said federal child labor laws unconstitutional
III. Politics A.Progressive mayors and governors elected B.Theodore Roosevelt 1.Republican but agreed with Progressives 2.Gave rights to the workers a)Required coal mine owners to negotiate to avoid a strike 3.Beefed up Interstate Commerce Commission and Sherman Anti-Trust Act a)Called the “Trust-buster”
III. Politics 4.Gets the Meat Inspection Act passed (The Jungle) 5.Gets national parks created 6.Founded the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party in 1912 a)Split the Reps and Dems win
III. Politics C.Woodrow Wilson 1.A progressive Democrat 2.Clayton Anti-Trust Act a)Labor unions are exempt from anti-trust laws 3.16 th Amendment a)Income tax 4.17 th Amendment a)Popular election of Senators 5.Federal Reserve Act a)Helps w/money supply 6.More credit, 8 hour day, worker’s comp, etc.
IV. WWI A.Hurts progressives b/c war becomes the focus B.18th Amendment a)Prohibition (no alcohol) C.19 th Amendment D.Wilson’s 14 Points is very progressive but Treaty of Versailles is not a)Makes Americans not care about Progressivism anymore