Muckraker A journalist, author and/or photographer whose work is designed to expose corruption and abuse of power in politics and big business
Jacob Riis- Immigrants
Jacob Riis Author of “How the Other Half Lives”- creating awareness of immigrant living conditions in the tenements of urban ghettos.
Jane Addams- Settlement Houses
Jane Addams- Helped New Immigrants Her most famous settlement house, which helped immigrants assimilate to life in the United States was named the “Hull House” Also was a peace activist during WWI and a Suffragette
Lewis Hine- Child Labor
John Spargo- Bitter Cry of the Children
Child Labor Laws Due to the work of Hine, Spargo and other Muckrakers individual states began passing child labor laws
Upton Sinclair- The Jungle
Impact of Sinclair’s “The Jungle” Commerce Department Investigation Meat Inspection Act- leads to improved regulation over meat sold to the public Pure Food and Drug Act- creates the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which forces companies to list ingredients in their food they sell and drug companies to list side effects of the medicines they sell
Frank Norris and Lincoln Steffens
Ida Tarbell
Because of Ida Tarbell John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company is sued for violating the Sherman Anti Trust Act And in May of 1911, 2 months after the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, the Supreme Court forces the Breakup of Standard Oil (Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Chevron, Conoco, etc) Bill Gates and Microsoft were sued for violating the same law in the late 1990s
Are Muckrakers a Valuable Part of a Democracy?