Cave Art
What do these signs tell you?
THINK… Why do these signs work so well? If you had no written language, how would you tell someone who isn’t here something important? How can you give someone information without using words? What story might a picture tell?
Assignment… Take out a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Title it Cave Exploration As we explore the Lascaux caves, write down any observations you have. What are some things you see? What colors do you see the most?
Discussion… What were the cave artists trying to say? Why do you think there were so many animals and not as many people in the paintings? What can the paintings tell us about other aspects of the life of cave dwellers? How did they make these pictures if there were no stores to buy paint and brushes? What colors are prominent in the paintings and what natural sources might provide these colors since there were no crayons or markers? What challenges do you think cave people encountered while painting? If there was no electricity, what did they use for light?