NASA J. V. Lebacqz AVIATION SYSTEM CAPACITY PROGRAM Dr. J. Victor Lebacqz Director, Aviation System Capacity & Aerospace Operations Systems Programs NASA 14 December
NASA J. V. Lebacqz NASA Strategic Enterprises NASA Enterprises Primary Customers Decision Makers Ultimate Beneficiary The Public Administration and Congress Ultimate Resource Provider The Public Space Science Science and Education Communities Technology Innovators Mission to Planet Earth Science, Commercial, and Education Communities Policy Makers Human Exploration and Development of Space Science and Education Communities Commercial Sectors Aero- Space Technology Aerospace and Nonaerospace Industries Other U.S. Government Agencies Crosscutting Processes Manage Strategically Provide Aerospace Products and Capabilities Generate Knowledge Communicate Knowledge
NASA J. V. Lebacqz OAT Enterprise “3 Pillars” Global Civil AviationGlobal Civil Aviation –Five stretch goals Revolutionary Technology Leaps –Three stretch goals Access to Space –Two stretch goals
NASA J. V. Lebacqz Five Goals for Global Civil Aviation Reduce the aircraft accident rate by a factor of five within 10 years, and by a factor of 10 within 20 years. While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years Reduce the perceived noise levels of future aircraft by a factor of 2 within 10 years, and by 4 within 20 years Reduce emissions of future aircraft by a factor of 3 within 10 years, and by 5 within 20 years Reduce the cost of air travel by 25% within 10 years, and by 50% within 20 years
NASA J. V. Lebacqz Delay Growth and Mitigation “Free Flight - Preserving Airline Opportunity”, Capt. Russell G. Chew, American Airlines, September 22, Goal Airline Schedule Integrity Lost if Average Delay > 4 Mins Predicted delay growth due to 2.3% annualized growth in air traffic (FAA, NASA, Boeing consistent) System efficiency as measured by average delay in NAS
Safe, efficient air traffic management with all- weather operation beyond current clear- weather capacity Expanded, high productivity utilization of short-runway and runway independent aircraft within an expanded NAS 2022 Operations Systems Aircraft Configuration Real-time, distributed intelligent automated aviation system-wide monitoring with safety and operational advisories High productivity, weather tolerant vehicle systems with intermodal operations capability Phase III Terminal Area Productivity Extended Operations Systems Advanced Air Transportation Technologies Technology for Advanced Operational Concepts Aviation Safety Program Phase II Phase I Base R&T Program Other Agencie, Industrys Systems Tech. Program; Planned and Funded Systems Tech. Program, Required but Unfunded Intermodal Operations Demo Phase IPhase II Integration of Intelligent Aviation Systems FAA NAS Architecture Information Technology & Aerospace Operation Systems Advanced Runway Independent Vehicle Systems Goal 4: Aviation System Throughput While maintaining safety, triple the Aviation System throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years Benefits: Enable significant improvements to critical transportation infrastructure Assure safe, reduced delay flight as air traffic density increases Improve mobility for public Improve air-traveler’s time productivity CHALLENGES OUTCOMES Revolutionary High Productivity Vehicle Systems Rotorcraft, Airframe Systems & Propulsion Systems Short-Haul Civil Tilt Rotor 2 Short-Haul Civil Tilt Rotor Industry /FAA Industry/DoD/FAA
NASA J. V. Lebacqz ARC Aviation Ops Systems Astrobiology Info Tech Simulators Scientific & Engineering Computational Facilities OAT Aeronautics Programs Structure Center: Mission: COE: Facility Group Lead: Competency Group Areas: DFRC Flt Rsrch Atmos Flt Ops Aircraft & Flight Facilities LaRC Airframe Sys Atmos Science Structures & Materials WTs & Aero, Aerothermo Facilities / Struct Test Facilities LeRC Aeropropulsion Turbomachinery Propulsion Facilities Programs/ Lead Centers ISE / LaRC HPCC / ARC Capacity / ARC Aero Veh Sys/LaRC Prop Sys/LeRC Av Ops Sys/ARC Flt Rsrch/DFRC Info Tech/ARC Rotorcraft/ARC Human Factors Air Traffic Management Rotorcraft & VSTOL Techs Turbomachinery & Combustion Inlets, Nozzles & Mechanical Engine Components Propulsion Mats & Structs Propulsion Support Tech Exp Aircraft Flight Research Test Bed A/C Research & Ops Flight Test Tech & Instrument Airborne Systems Structures & Materials Aerodynamics Mission / Sys Analysis Crew Station Design & Integ RPV Research & Ops Hybrid Propulsion Hypersonic Technologies Information System Techs Safety / LaRC Icing Technologies
NASA J. V. Lebacqz OBJECTIVES GOAL Safely enable major increases in the capacity & productivity of the NAS through development of revolutionary operations systems & vehicle concepts Improve NAS capacity, efficiency and access Improve collaboration, predictability and flexibility for the NAS users. Maintain system safety & minimize environmental effects Develop vehicle concepts & technologies for runway-independent operations Develop, validate & transfer advanced concepts, technologies & procedures to the customer community ASC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
NASA J. V. Lebacqz Terminal Area Productivity (TAP) Safely achieve clear-weather airport capacity in instrument-weather conditions: increasing single runway throughput 12 to 15% reducing lateral spacing below 3400 feet on parallel runways ASC PROGRAM ELEMENTS Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) In alliance with the FAA, enable next generation of increases in capacity, flexibility and efficiency, while maintaining safety, of aircraft operations within the US and global airspace system: increasing terminal throughput 40% increasing enroute throughput 20% ASC Project Goals Short-Haul Civil Tilt-Rotor (SHCT) Develop the most critical technologies to enable a civil tilt-rotor: reducing perceived noise 12 dB enabling safe terminal area operations enabling OEI operation
NASA J. V. Lebacqz FAA/NASA Partnership Strong Joint Program with Federal Aviation Administration Based upon 8 MOU’s and MOA’s - listed in PCA Administrators of NASA and FAA signed pioneering MOU in 9/95 –Formation of Inter-Agency Integrated Product Team (IAIPT) –Executive Steering Committee from Aviation Community NASA and FAA Administrators sign Agreement re “Partnership to Achieve Goals in Aviation and Future Space Transportation” FAA/NASA Executive Committee meets quarterly - Assoc. Admin level National Plan for ATM Research Developed - approved by AA’s: Version 1.0 in September 1996;Version 3.0 in March 1999 Final IG Report on review of AATT Project released in June 99. –Acknowledged NASA’s positive relationship with FAA and industry due to the Interagency Product Team, the Executive Steering Committee, and the FAA/NASA Executive Committee. –IG review resulted in no Findings or Recommendations. Short-Haul Civil Tilt-rotor also conducted under aegis of NASA/FAA MOA
NASA J. V. Lebacqz ALLIANCES FAA Short-Haul Civil Tilt-rotor (SHCT) Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) Terminal Area Productivity (TAP) Aviation System Capacity (ASC) NASA/FAA Inter-Agency Integrated Product Team (IAIPT) Advisory Groups ATM R&D Exec. Steering Committee Rotorcraft ASTAC Goals ASTAC SHCT Steering Committee Participation with Customers RTCA: Free Flight Steering Committee Free Flight Select Committee Capabilities Working Group Program Management Committee AIAA, AHS, SAE, ATA FAA/EUROCONTROL R&D Committee NASA
J. V. Lebacqz Aircraft Configuration Examples: Short-Haul Civil Tiltrotor (SHCT) Project
NASA J. V. Lebacqz SHCT Benefits to Capacity Results of 1999 FAA Newark Airport Task Force Study Of all the airport improvements examined (except for a new runway) the Tiltrotor using SNI operations, provided the greatest benefit. –In annual delay reduction costs, Tiltrotor would save $700M, a new runway $950M
NASA J. V. Lebacqz Active Tiltrotor Noise Reduction Achieved a 7.0 dB BVI noise reduction from baseline XV- 15 blades –Used closed-loop HHC with blade pressure transducers for feedback Follow-on test –Verify results and expand test conditions –Microphone mounted on RTA for feedback 80x120 wind tunnel test of 3 blade XV-15 rotor PI: Mark Betzina, Ames Research Center
NASA J. V. Lebacqz XV-15 Open-Loop HHC BVI Noise Reduction Best Phase 2/rev HHCHHC Off Preliminary dB VV Mu = 0.150, Tip-Path-Plane Angle = 3 deg., Ct/s = 0.09, Mtip = PI: Khanh Nguen, Ames Research Center
NASA J. V. Lebacqz Noise Abatement Flight Profiles * Flight conditions: airspeed (knots) / nacelle angle (degrees) Approach A Approach B PI: Bill Decker, Ames Research Center