Ritika Agarwal, Student Member, IEEE, and Sameer R. Sonkusale, Member, IEEE,” Input-Feature Correlated Asynchronous Analog to Information Converter for ECG Monitoring” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 5, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2011 Chairman : Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Shao-Kai Liao Adviser : Tsung-Fu Chien Date : /7/2012
Outline Introduction Purpose Methods & Materials Results Conclusions 3/7/20122
Introduction Electrocardiogram (ECG) A important diagnostic tool for Medicine. Measure the electrical activity of the heart. Provides valuable information about the functioning of the heart and basically the entire cardiovascular system. 心電圖( Electrocardiogram, ECG ) 3/7/20123
Introduction 4 Electrocardiogram (ECG) P wave atrial contraction QRS complex ventricular contraction T wave repolarisation of the ventricles
Introduction 3/7/2012 Electrocardiogram (ECG) 5 R-R Interval QRS complex is the most significant feature of the ECG signal. R-R interval is the time distance between the two consecutive R waves is used to detect any irregularity in the normal working of the heart.
Purpose For wireless body sensor applications, the reconstruction can be performed after the data has been transmitted to an external receiver to save power. This can provide early warnings to the physician for the patient’s condition. 3/7/20126
Methods & Materials 3/7/20127 (a) Example of a synchronously sampled signal. (b) Example of an adaptive asynchronously sampled signal modeled after our prior approach (c) Example of an input-feature correlated asynchronously sampled signa
Methods & Materials 3/7/20128 Architecture of the proposed A2I converter.
Methods & Materials 3/7/20129 (b) Detection of a trough. (a). Detection of a peak.
Methods & Materials 3/7/ Dotted line: input ECG signal. Bold line: input-feature-correlated asynchronously taken samples.
Methods & Materials 3/7/ QRS detection algorithm. QRS detection.
Methods & Materials 3/7/ QRS detection in the ECG signal based on sampled data points.
Results 3/7/201213
Results 3/7/201214
Results 3/7/201215
Results 3/7/201216
Conclusions 3/7/ The adaptive samples taken from an ECG signal can be processed to detect the Q, R, and S waves. An adaptive asynchronous sampling technique generates roughly 40% less samples than the regular asynchronous sampling technique. The whole system is highly efficient and can bring a revolutionary change to today’s world where ambulatory health monitoring is the demand of the era.
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