Square Kilometre Array 15 Aug 2012. Outline Radio astronomy across Africa African VLBI Network SKA countries coordination 2 1 SKA Organisation Timelines.


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Presentation transcript:

Square Kilometre Array 15 Aug 2012

Outline Radio astronomy across Africa African VLBI Network SKA countries coordination 2 1 SKA Organisation Timelines Global SKA developments 3 South African activities SKA/MeerKAT Astronomy Act and the Northern Cape Community

Global developments African SKA bid The SKA Org Board now comprise of South Africa, China, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden Next meeting during October SKA Organisation Timelines Global SKA developments SKA site decision ► May 2012 Preparatory/preconstruction phase ► 2012/13 to 2015/16 Hosting agreement ► discussions to start end 2012 at the earliest SKA construction ► 2016 to 2024

Background The new radio telescopes 2 Africa – a growing radio astronomy giant Square Kilometre Array – construction from 2016 MeerKAT 64 antennae array – construction from 2012 African VLBI Network - construction from African Renaissance Fund provided R120m - DST provides R21m - R200m still to be raised Low Frequency Array – construction from 2011 ( MITRA: SA& Mauritius)

Radio astronomy across Africa African VLBI Network SKA countries coordination 2 Africa – a growing radio astronomy giant R141m can only fund 5 radio telescopes in Ghana, Mozambique, Zambia, Kenya, Madagascar – all dish antennae conversions R200m shortfall for new dish constructions in Botswana, Mauritius, Namibia, Mozambique A combination of conversion & construction is also being explored Next SKA African partner countries Working Group & Steering Committee is in Sept 2012 The SKA APC meeting will be back-to-back with African-European Radio Astronomy Platform AERAP) workshop

3 South African activities SKA/MeerKAT Astronomy Act and the Northern Cape Community Progress in South Africa There is an increasing demand from astronomy researchers to work in South Africa – a welcomed challenge MeerKAT infrastructure layout underway in Carnarvon MeerKAT 64-dish construction to start in the second half of 2012 AGA Act declaration to restrict activities on the NRF sites for SALT and MeerKAT are being finalised DST and the South African SKA Project Office has set-up a forum for discussion with the Agri Northern Cape

Progress in South Africa MeerKAT SKA Schools Competition Objective MeerKAT/SKA awareness High schools and primary schools 6 winners per province Prizes laptops, printers, digital cameras and organised tours to astronomy observatory

Thank You 3 South African activities SKA/MeerKAT Astronomy Act and the Northern Cape Community 1 SKA Organisation Timelines Global SKA developments Radio astronomy across Africa African VLBI Network SKA countries coordination 2