A proposed model for expanding the DEA experience – regional resource networks Proposing a desktop construction from North; Which obstacles are overlooked? Which resources are neglected?
Long term objectives Enhance energy policy through the incorporation of M&E of energy for development as an independent activity Equip donor recepients with a tool to evaluate energy interventions and communicate their experiences to donors
Methods Establish donor- and government independent, regional resource networks for M&E of energy in development, in sub- Sahara Africa’s regions – South, East/Central, and West Promote awareness of M&EED and human capacity through successful, regional cooperation on the implementation of M&EED projects
Utilize existing networks, (e.g. KNSEA, ECOWAS, SADC, EAC), to: disseminate M&E skills provide feedback on M&E plans coordinate/assist M&E activities in different types of interventions and/or across contexts exchange/compare M&E results and experiences Regional forums
Existing/conceivable M&EED capacity & resources: The African DEA collaboration partners in Botswana, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia The group of European M&EED experts that have developed the GVEP guide African collaboration partners of the European M&EED group Other local African capacity with M&EED experience?
Conceivable short-term finance? EU collaboration research projects (e.g. with the UNEP Risoe Center and organisations represented in the GVEP M&EED group)? Multilateral donors? Local utilities or public authorities? Regional Economic Councils?
Long term finance Self-financing/business model: Local stakeholders and/or large donors pay for M&E services GVEP has raised some money to set up a Southern African (pilot?) “business model” facility A feasibility study/business plan is imminent. Business model assumes local demand and capacity to pay.
What does the current situation look like? Assume a high interest but local M&EED capacity is a bottle neck, then Best case scenario: Existing and forthcoming interventions have built-in M&EED modules and dedicated budget lines. Worst case scenario: Existing and forthcoming interventions do not encompass M&EED and budget lines are none- existent or insufficient.
Key questions What are the current, local levels of interest, demand, and ability to pay for M&E services? What is the scope for intra-regional cooperation? Which resources does this proposition neglect? Which obstacles does the proposition overlook? How does the existing, local M&E capacity look like? Which M&E services – including capacity development - are currently in demand? Who will/should supply the services?