Welcome Back, Botany & Environmental Science students -Mrs. Alvarenga & Mrs. Johnston Room 227
Meet the Teachers 6 th year at JD Graduated from Judson College with a biology degree Married. No children, but lots of pets Loves the outdoors, enjoys reading and knitting. Mrs. Alvarenga
Meet the Teachers 5 th year at JD 5 th year at JD Undergraduate degree from University of Alabama – Roll Tide! Undergraduate degree from University of Alabama – Roll Tide! Graduate Degree from Alabama State University – Go Hornets! Graduate Degree from Alabama State University – Go Hornets! Married with three children Married with three children Enjoys spending time with family, reading, and word puzzles. Enjoys spending time with family, reading, and word puzzles. Mrs. Johnston
Will you be treated Fairly? Yes! Always! Yes! Always! Fair does not always mean equal. Fair means everyone getting what they need to thrive, not everyone getting the same thing. Fair does not always mean equal. Fair means everyone getting what they need to thrive, not everyone getting the same thing.
What are the classroom rules? Be Respectful: Be respectful to one another and to the animals Listen for instructions/direction Be honest Be Respectful: Be respectful to one another and to the animals Listen for instructions/direction Be honest Be Responsible: Be on time Be prepared (bring supplies to class) Be Responsible: Be on time Be prepared (bring supplies to class) Follow procedures Follow procedures Complete assignments Pick up after yourself Be Resourceful: Be safe (especially during labs) Be Resourceful: Be safe (especially during labs) Know where to get supplies See assistance when needed
What are the classroom rules? Food and drinks are not allowed in class. Food and drinks are not allowed in class. Do not talk while a teacher is talking Do not talk while a teacher is talking Do not get up/talk while the teacher is instructing Do not get up/talk while the teacher is instructing
What are the consequences? 1. Verbal Warning/Conference with a teacher documented in the discipline log. 2. Call/Letter to parent also documented in the discipline log. 3. Office Referral accompanied by a copy of discipline log. Severe behavior such as verbal abuse of a teacher, threatening behavior to others, intentional abuse of lab equipment or animals, temper tantrums and deliberate disruption will result in an automatic office referral.
No passes will be written to other teachers’ classrooms for any reason. No passes will be written to other teachers’ classrooms for any reason. You are allowed three bathroom passes per nine weeks. You are allowed three bathroom passes per nine weeks. You will be given a paper pass with a time and date on it. Return this pass to the teacher when you come back from the restroom. You will be given a paper pass with a time and date on it. Return this pass to the teacher when you come back from the restroom. You will earn two points bonus on your final exam for each restroom pass you have not used by the end of the semester. You will earn two points bonus on your final exam for each restroom pass you have not used by the end of the semester. No passes will be reissued if you lose or forget to return it to the teacher. No passes will be reissued if you lose or forget to return it to the teacher. You will not be able to use your pass if administration has advised that no student should be in the hallway. You will not be able to use your pass if administration has advised that no student should be in the hallway. Passes out of Class
What will we be doing this year? Environmental Science Environmental Science Learn about biodiversity Learn about biodiversity Learn about air, water, and soil quality Learn about air, water, and soil quality Learn the affect people have on the environment Learn the affect people have on the environment Learn sustainable practices Learn sustainable practices
What will we be doing this year? Botany Botany Learn the economic and ecological uses of plants Learn the economic and ecological uses of plants Learn major plant structures & functions Learn major plant structures & functions Learn plant biochemical processes Learn plant biochemical processes Learn the phyla of plants Learn the phyla of plants Classify plants using a dichotomous key Classify plants using a dichotomous key Identify plant tissue types Identify plant tissue types Work in the garden Work in the garden
How will I be graded? 65% of you average will come from major grades – tests, labs, and projects. 65% of you average will come from major grades – tests, labs, and projects. If there are more than 4 major grades for the grading period, I will drop the lowest score. If there are more than 4 major grades for the grading period, I will drop the lowest score. 35% of your average will come from minor grades – homework, worksheets, and bellringers. 35% of your average will come from minor grades – homework, worksheets, and bellringers. All work is graded for accuracy and completion. All work is graded for accuracy and completion.
Start of class procedures 1. Get your composition book from the crate and sharpen your pencil. 2. Sit down and begin working on the bellringer. 3. Answer roll. Daily objectives and activities are listed on the chalkboard under your subject.
There is little homework in this class. You will have ample time to complete assignments in class. There is little homework in this class. You will have ample time to complete assignments in class. Use your time wisely. You are graded on YOUR work. Use your time wisely. You are graded on YOUR work. Copying another student’s work is cheating. You will receive a ZERO!!!! Copying another student’s work is cheating. You will receive a ZERO!!!! Classwork procedures
Turn-in Procedures Write your name, date and period on everything you turn in. Write your name, date and period on everything you turn in. There is a “Work Turn-in Box” located on the shelf by the door. Place assignments in this box as you finish or on your way out unless otherwise instructed. There is a “Work Turn-in Box” located on the shelf by the door. Place assignments in this box as you finish or on your way out unless otherwise instructed. If you turn in a paper with no name, it will be placed in the “Nameless Paper Graveyard” folder hanging from the bulletin board at the front of the room. If you turn in a paper with no name, it will be placed in the “Nameless Paper Graveyard” folder hanging from the bulletin board at the front of the room.
Testing Procedures During a test, there is to be no talking, disturbance, or cheating. During a test, there is to be no talking, disturbance, or cheating. If you talk, disrupt or cheat you will receive a ZERO!!!! If you talk, disrupt or cheat you will receive a ZERO!!!!
Make-up work procedures Daily activities and assignments will be recorded in the make up work folder. It is your responsibility to check for missing assignments. Ask Mrs. Alvarenga if you need a worksheet. You may get missing notes from a classmate, or arrange with Mrs. Alvarenga to come get them after school. Tests must be made up after school. You are responsible for arranging a time with Mrs. Alvarenga
Turning in late work and make-up work Students have one week, from the date of their absence, to make up tests and turn in make up work. Points will be deducted from work that is more than one week late. Late work will note be accepted after the test has been given for that unit/chapter.
Can I write on this? Worksheets given on WHITE paper can be written on. Worksheets given on WHITE paper can be written on. Handouts given on BLUE paper are part of a classroom set and should NOT be written on. Handouts given on BLUE paper are part of a classroom set and should NOT be written on.
Material List Composition Notebook Composition Notebook Brad folder for leaf collection/ projects Brad folder for leaf collection/ projects Colored Pencils Colored Pencils 1 box of tissues/roll of paper towels/ream of paper/or bottle of hand sanitizer. 1 box of tissues/roll of paper towels/ream of paper/or bottle of hand sanitizer..
Can I have this in class? Per the new MPS cell phone policy, you are allowed to have your cell phones on campus, but they are to be turned off. You may not use them in the hallways or in class. MP3 players are still contraband items. Per the new MPS cell phone policy, you are allowed to have your cell phones on campus, but they are to be turned off. You may not use them in the hallways or in class. MP3 players are still contraband items. You may not use your cell phones or MP3 players in class. You may not use your cell phones or MP3 players in class. No warnings will be given. If you are caught using a cell phone or listening to music, the items will be taken up, and turned in to the office with an office referral. No warnings will be given. If you are caught using a cell phone or listening to music, the items will be taken up, and turned in to the office with an office referral.
Emergency Procedures Fire - short repeated rings Fire - short repeated rings Make your way down the stairs and out of the side exit. Stay with the class and be ready for roll call. Make your way down the stairs and out of the side exit. Stay with the class and be ready for roll call. Tornado – long continuous rings Tornado – long continuous rings Make your way down the stairs and to the right. Sit along the hallway with your classmates. Be aware that it will be crowded and make room for others. Make your way down the stairs and to the right. Sit along the hallway with your classmates. Be aware that it will be crowded and make room for others.