EEA Grants Norway Grants Development of probation and Prison personnel management (staff selection, evaluation, etc.) 2014, Prison Administration
Prison Administration Staff: 1. Officials with the special service rank: 1.1 officers; 1.2 instructors. 2. Employees: 2.1 with higher education; 2.2 with secondary education.
R equirements for service: -Latvian citizenship; -Compliance of physical fitness, health status and psychological characteristics with the requirements; -Are not held criminally liable for wilful misconduct; -Age (18 to 40 years); -Secondary / higher education; -National language skills. R equirements for work: -Secondary / higher education; -Knowledge of official language.
Number of Prison Administration posts: 2764 * Of which: Officers - 680; Instructors ; Employees - 409th Adopted in service - 247, exempted from service the 211th Recruited - 88, dismissed – 78. *Prison Administration data for 2013.
Thank you for your attention! Deputy Chief of Prison Administration Lieutenant Colonel Māris Stivrenieks E: