1 ISEC0511 Programming for Information System Security Lecture Notes #1 Introduction
Instructor and Text Book Instructor: Suthep Vichiendilokkul Q305 Tel no: ext Text book: Architecting Secure Software Systems by Asoke K. Talukder, Manish Chaitanya, CRC Press. (ISBN: ) Contents inside the lecture notes may contain data from several resources. Lecture notes will be put on the website. 2
Class Contents This class includes several security topics, including: Introduction to security in software Security in software systems Architecting Secure Software Systems Constructing Secured Systems in.NET Java Client-Side Security Server-Side Java Security Security in Web Applications Constructing Secured and Safe C/UNIX Programs 3
Prerequisite Knowledge Students are expected to have background knowledge about Basic computer usage Basic computer programming (any language is fine) Basic computer networks 4
Grading Policy 30% for midterm exam. 40% for final exam. 30% for assignments and quizzes Homework Lab tests and assignments 5
Class Participation Be on-time. Ask when you have questions or do not understand. Don’t wait. Always go to class, if possible. No cheating is tolerated. 6