Research Design – Where to Begin…. Purpose of EDD 9300 Provide guidance and help you to: Select a topic Conduct a Preliminary Literature Review Design.


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Presentation transcript:

Research Design – Where to Begin…

Purpose of EDD 9300 Provide guidance and help you to: Select a topic Conduct a Preliminary Literature Review Design a Methodology to address the research problem Provide an introduction/overview to: Conducting a Literature Review Research Methods Data Analysis Program Evaluation

Purpose of EDD 9300 Develop a working Concept Paper You MUST work collaboratively with your chair!!

Selecting a Research Topic What are some considerations when selecting a research topic?

Considerations in Selecting a Topic Personal interest / Passion Importance / Contribution to the field Newness / Relevance Feasibility Tradeoff between rigor and practicality Time constraints Ethical constraints Organizational support Economic factors Availability of Subjects

Sources of Research Topics PsychInfo, ERIC Peer-reviewed journals in your field Personal experiences Work setting experiences Existing literature “Recommendations for future research…”

Refining Your Topic Refinement needed for effective and efficient research Narrow your topic Identify a theoretical framework Specifically and unambiguously define terms State research questions and hypotheses

Refining Your Topic (cont’d) A literature review will help you See if your idea has been tried Include all relevant constructs Select instruments Anticipate common problems

Components of a Concept Paper Title page Introduction Nature of the Problem Background and Significance of the Problem Preliminary Literature Review Initial Research Question or Questions

Components of a Concept Paper (cont’d) Brief Description of Methodology and Research Design Anticipated Outcomes Timeline References

Components of Assignment 1 Title Page – must follow NSU Style Guidelines. Nature of the Problem – this should: (a) indicate the actual “problem,” (b) be concise and focused, (c) be stated in one or two declarative statements, which clearly indicates the purpose of the study. Background and Significance of the Problem – this should include: (a) a clear statement that the problem exists, (b) evidence that supports the existence of the problem, (c) evidence that a trend exists that has lead to the problem, (d) definitions of major concepts and terms, (e) the setting is clearly described, (f) probable causes related to the problem, (f) the problem is specific and can be feasibly addressed. References – must have a reference page, which includes full citations based on the in-text references and must follow APA and Nova Style guidelines.

Nature of the Problem A problem is an actual situation that is hindering the overall effectiveness of an organization The impact of the problem on the organization should be clearly stated If the problem is too broad, the student may choose to address only certain aspects of the problem (be concise and focused) The problem should be stated in the form of a declarative sentence

Nature of the Problem (cont’d) State the purpose of the proposed study, for example: “The purpose of this study is to determine if distance education is as effective as face-to- face education.”

Background and Significance of the Problem Provide documented evidence that the problem exists (no data should be collected at this point) Define major issues related to problem Identify possible or probable causes of the problem

Background and Significance of the Problem (cont’d) Provide a brief description of The setting (if applicable) where the problem exists and where the study will take place The profile of the organization and other pertinent general background information The student’s role in relation to the organization (if applicable)

Background and Significance of the Problem (cont’d) Include any other salient information

Class Exercise General questions or comments Volunteers from the class Topic Problem statement Purpose Brief overview of the setting