Sanction Treatment Opportunity Progress(S.T.O.P.): Drug Diversion Division Program
Community Need
Literature Review Overall, for the entire population of eligible offenders, the Drug Court significantly reduced the incidence and frequency of criminal recidivism for participants compared to offenders who did not participate. Including all offenders who were eligible for the Drug Court during the total 10 year period, over 5 years from the Drug Court petition hearing, the incidence of re-arrest was reduced by nearly 30%. – STOP saves taxpayers money. The cost of operating STOP over a 10-year period averaged nearly $1,400 less per offender than the cost per offender of “business as usual,” saving taxpayers over $9 million. Avoided costs for the same time period (e.g., money saved by lower use of jail beds, fewer crime victims, etc.) saved taxpayers an additional $7.9 million per year, or $79 million.2 – /STOP_PartnersManual.pdf
Literature Review This study found that program participants and particularly program graduates had significantly and substantially fewer subsequent arrests and convictions, particularly serious felony arrests. They also had lower rates of drug-related arrests suggesting that the program may have had an effect in lowering their involvement with drugs. The lower recidivism has an impact on public safety but it also has an important impact on public costs. Fewer arrests and convictions lessen the pressure on the criminal justice system, particularly the jail, and can lead either to more reasonable loads on the current system and/or less future expenditures. Lower recidivism can mean lessened crime, which results in cost savings to taxpayers in terms of victimization and theft, not to mention a public that is safer from crime. This program appears to be providing these positive effects. – e=1
Literature Review Citations safety/possessionuse-of-drugs safety/possessionuse-of-drugs iminalActions/ProblemSolvingCourts/STOP_Pa rtnersManual.pdf iminalActions/ProblemSolvingCourts/STOP_Pa rtnersManual.pdf pdf pdf 516/2886.pdf?sequence=1
Logical Approach PROBLEM OR ISSUERESOURCESACTIVITIESOUTPUTSSHORT- TERM OUTCOMESLONG-TERM OUTCOMESIMPACT The Community NeedIn order to accomplishIn order to address ourWe expect that onceWe expect that if accomplished This is the problem weour set of activities weproblem or asset we willaccomplished thesethese activities are trying to solvewill need the following:accomplish the followingactivities will producewill lead to the following activities:the following evidencechanges in 1–3changes in 4–6changes in 7–10 years: or service delivery:years: In our community there is too m much of recidivism due to substance abuse. The number of drug offenses is currently It would be much better to be closer to 0.5.This problem is a result of possession of a controlled substance. (CNYvitals.org7 ). Program Director, Assistant Program Director, Nurse, Drug/Alcohol Counselor, Urine Drug Tests Meeting Spaces For Counseling Sessions First Time Drug Offenders will participate in Sanction Treatment Opportunity Progress Drug Diversion Program, a program that Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation and Therapy the outputs will be a monthly count of how many First Time Drug Offenders sign up for and participate in the program The percent of Drug Possession Charges will be lower for those participating in the program as compared to those not participating. The percent of any form of recidivism of any type of crime will be lower for those participating in the program as compared to those not participating. The community problem of high rates of recidivism due to substance abuse will decline from the current amount of 1132 closer to the desired lower level of 0.5.