Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) The Nervous System Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Do Now: Contract a K-W-L chart on loose-leaf List everything you already Know about the Nervous System in the K-column List everything you Want to know in W-column
Functions Monitors internal and external environments Integrates sensory information Coordinates voluntary and involuntary responses of other organ systems 2 subdivisions: CNS – brain and spinal cord Intelligence, memory, emotion PNS – all other neural tissue sensory, motor
Receptors and Effectors Receptors – receive sensory info Afferent division – carries info from sensory receptors to the CNS Efferent division – carries info from CNS to PNS effectors (muscles, glands, adipose) Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Controls skeletal muscles (voluntary) Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Controls involuntary actions Sympathetic Division (increase heart rate) Parasympathetic Division (decreases heart rate)
Neurons Communicate w/other neurons Soma-Cell body Dendrites - receive info Axon- sends signal to synaptic terminals (terminal buds) Synapse – site of neural communication (gap) Myelin – fatty insulation of axon(Schwann cells produce in PNS) Node of Ranvier – exposed axon between myelin 3 structural types: Multipolar – multiple dendrites & single axon (motor neurons) Unipolar – continues dendrites & axon, cell body lies to side (sensory neurons) Bipolar – one dendrite and one axon w/cell body between them (special senses) White matter- myelinated fibers Gray mater- unmyelinated
Types of Neurons 3 functional types Sensory – afferent division info about surrounding environment position/movement skeletal muscles digestive, resp, cardiovasc, urinary, reprod, taste, and pain Motor – efferent division (response) skeletal muscles cardiac and smooth muscle, glands, adipose tissue Interneurons Brain and spinal cord - memory, planning, and learning
Neuroglia Regulate environment around neurons; actively divide Functions in CNS: maintains the blood-brain barrier(Astrocytes) create myelin (lipid) to coat axon(Oligodendrocytes) Nodes of Ranvier – gaps between myelinated sections Internodes – areas covered in myelin Phagocytic cells(Microglia)
View Action Potential Remember: Discuss each question and answer with your group Use the information from the models to support your responses
Membrane Potential Cells are polarized (measured in volts) Resting potential of neuron -70mV Remains stable due to Na+/K+ Pumps Leak channels – always open (K+ diffuses out) K+ Proteins- Net - charge Na+ Cl- Gated channels – open/closed under specific circumstance
Changes in Membrane Potential Depolarization Stimulus opens Na+ gated channels increase +charge of cell towards 0mV Action Potentials Affects entire surface of cell membrane (+) feedback as nerve impulse continues Hyperpolarization Stimulus opens K+ gated channels Increases –charge (from -70mV to -80mV) Restores resting potential
Action Potential: All or Nothing Principal Only skeletal muscle fibers and neuron axons have excitable membranes Graded potential increases pressure until sufficient enough to reach action potential Resting potential (-70mV) Reaches Threshold (-60mV) Refractory Period – cell cannot respond to stimulation Depolarization Repolarization Continuous Propagation chain rxn until reaches cell memb Unmyleinated – 1m/s (2mph) Salatory Propagation Myelinated (blocks flow of ions except at nodes) Action potential jumps from node to node 18-40m/s (30-300mph)
Neural Communication Nerve impulse – info moving in the form of action potentials along axons At end of axon the action potential transfers to another neuron or effector cell by release of neurotransmitters from synaptic terminal (only occur in 1 direction) Activity of neuron depends on balance between: Excitatory neurotransmitters - depolorization ACh & Norepinephrine Inhibitory neurotransmitters -hyperpolarization Dopamine, Seratonin, GABA
Reflexes Reflex – involuntary response to stimulus w/o requiring the brain Reflex arc- sensory neuron Interneuron motor neuron (opposes initial stimulus) Ex. Knee jerk reflex Babinski reflex (infants only) Stroke sole of foot toes fan out Plantar reflex (adults only) Stroke sole of foot toes curl Signals sent to brain by interneurons allow for control Ex. Toilet training, gag, blink