De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 1 3rd International Conference on Working on Safety, September 2006, De Eemhof, The Netherlands Dr. rer. nat. habil. Harald Gruber Dipl.- Ing. Frank Mays Maschinenbau- und Metall- Berufsgenossenschaft, Germany Health and Safety Creating awareness of entrepreneurs in small enterprises (family enterprises)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 2 1. Introduction Germany has more than three million enterprises 34 million employees About 8 million employees in the manufacturing industries In Germany all employees are accident insured by law. The contributions are paid only by the entrepreneurs (!).
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 3 The institutions for accident insurance and prevention (Berufsgenossenschaften) are divided according to the sector of industry with which they are concerned. The Berufsgenossenschaft Metall is responsible for the metal industries and the smaller metal trades. 3.7 million employees enterprises a bulding sitea steel planta small enterprise 1. Introduction (Berufsgenossenschaften)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 4 prevention of occupational accidents occupational diseases work-related health hazards Our strategy of advice is dependent on the plant size. 1. Introduction (Berufsgenossenschaften) advice supervisionresearch initial and further trainingpublic information accident insurers employers support
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 5 The entrepreneur must fulfil a multitude of tasks to manage the enterprise! Company Safety experts and company doctors are available for health and safety at work. The assumption of the entrepreneur is: Nothing is going to happen to me – nothing has ever happened to me! large-scale enterprises small and medium enterprises (SMEs) efficiency and costs are in the foreground health and safety are often considered as additional costs What can we do so that health and safety standards are put into practice (are lived out) in the SMEs ? 2. Prevention
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 6 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Metal sector in Germany, employees in enterprises 2. Each expert in our assurance is responsible for over 1000 enterprises (can visit an enterprise every four years). 1. Our experience shows that is not possible to reach our aim by putting pressure on the entrepreneurs. 66% 26% 6.5% 1.5% Facts
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 7 3. kinds of enterprises More than 2 million of the enterprises in Germany are family enterprises. The company owners work themselves in these enterprises. 4. The wives of the small company owners also actively contribute in over enterprises. 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 5. Because the house and the workshop are next door to each other, it is inevitable that the children can also enter the workshop. 6. The children who will take over the company are often present in the workshop. „My children have to see how we earn our money”, remarked a company owner of a family enterprise.
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 8 „For us, working and living has always been hand in hand. So it was not surprising that already at the age of 5 I spent a lot of time with my parents in the workshop. Today, when I am programming our CNC machines, my daughter often stands at my side and watches my activities with keen interest”. An interview… 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 9 Health and safety are extremly important in family enterprises. If family members fall ill or if they have an accident, in addition to this affliction, the very existence of the enterprise could also be threatened. Naturally, this also applies to the employees and their families. 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Another strategy of the advice: What can we do so that health and safety standards are put into practice (are lived out) in the SMEs ? It is necessary to communicate occupational health and safety to employers in an personal (emotional) way.
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 10 Our partners are the wives of the company owners, whose maxim is: Most important for us is that our children and our husbands are healthy. 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Partners for our strategy ? Federal Association: „Bundesverband der Unternehmerfrauen im Handwerk e.V.” Together with this organization we realize the following three fold strategy: 1. in the workshop2. in the house3. in free time Our mottos are: Once the children are safe and healthy, so are the adults. As an adult you must be a role model for your children. Health and safety
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 11 Good housekeeping, cleanliness,hygiene and safety in the workshop as well as in the house Using skin protection and skin care First aid Wearing personal protective equipment The quick removal of defects (e.g. hazards of falling) Avoiding stress Background information about the fee to the accident insurance Aim: to inform about organizing and checking to ensure health and safety, e.g.: 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Special seminars for wives of the company owners:
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) The booklet - has a clear, simple language - expresses facts by pictures - presents 21 hazardous situations - demonstrates connections between work and free time In Cooperation with the federal association – a new booklet - addresses the reader on the personal (emotional) level
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 13 Hazardous substances in the workshop and in the house 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 14 Lifting and carrying weights at work and carrying school bags 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 15 Skin protection at work and protection against the sun for children 2. Prevention in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 16 The future will show whether our strategies are successful. Already now we have created an awareness of health and safety in family enterprises. ….and what will we do next? 3. Future prospects The ISSA Metal Section is preparing a conference in the autumn 2007 in Prague, Czech Republic. Information: Aim: Intensive exchange of information and experience within the EC member countries - in particular with the "new" EC member countries. Topic: Safety and Health at Work in the Metal Industry, Risk assessment in SMEs !
De Eemhof, September 2006 Dr. H. Gruber, F. Mays Germany WorkingonSafety 17 Thank you for your attention. 3rd International Conference on Working on Safety, September 2006, De Eemhof, The Netherlands