Unit #14 Tip of the week— Do NOT double the final consonant before adding –ing, -ed, -er, or –est in one-syllable words with w or x endings. exceptions – related rules to be learned in future weeks
Tip words— 1) throwing 2) rawest
Academic Verbs— 3) maintain in writing, this means “asserts” or “keeps arguing that” The author maintains the notion that people will do anything for love. 4) presume to assume in advance (before) We presume that seventh graders went through sixth grade first.
Commonly misspelled words— 5) pursue pur + sue 6) studies stud y i + es
Roots/prefixes/suffixes— duct = to lead fer = to carry pend = to hang micro = small
7) induction the act of leading in 8) transfer to carry across 9) suspend to hang; forbid from participation 10) microscope machines designed to see (scope) small things
Commonly confused words— 11) choose (inf. v. part) Choose wisely! 12) chose (past tense v.) Yesterday he chose wisely.