Program Outline LECTURE 1 – Introduction to Isotopes LECTURE 2 – Characteristics of different isotope systems – Mostly home study LECTURE 3 – Meteoric Cycle Practical work – Two homework exercises
Useful Reference Texts Criss, R.E., Principles of stable isotope distribution. Oxford University Press, p.253 Faure, G., Principles of isotope geology. (2nd Ed.) John Wiley & Sons, p.589 Hoefs, J., Stable isotope geochemistry. (4th Ed.) Springer, p.208 Kyser, T.K., (ed) Stable isotope geochemistry of low- temperature fluids. Short Course Handbook, 13, Mineralogical Society of Canada. Faure, G., Principles and applications of inorganic geochemistry. Maxwell Macmillan, New York, pp Rollinson, H., Using Geochemical Data. Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, p Valley, J.W., and Cole, D.R., (eds) Stable isotope geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 43, Mineralogical Society of America
Stable Isotopes
Isotope Fractionation
Stable Isotope Fractionation
Isotope Fractionation Processes
The Delta Value
Stable Isotope Data
Fractionation Factors and Temperature
Relationship Between and
Stable Isotope Data
Isotope Thermometry
Isotope Geothermometry
Isotope Thermometry
Stable Isotopes of Geological Interest