The future of policing Counter-terrorism John Parkinson OBE Chair of CENTRIC Steering Group & Senior Research Fellow Andrew Staniforth Detective Inspector, Head of West Yorkshire for Innovation & CENTRIC Senior Research Fellow 9 July 2014
Facilitators John Parkinson Andy Stanford Edwin Meese III Greg Saathoff Mark Holder
Threats to the UK……. Terrorist threats to the UK Al Qaeda (AQ) Northern Ireland Related Terrorism (NIRT) Cyber Terrorism (CyT) Extreme Right-Wing (XRW)
Threats to the UK from Al Qaeda… Terrorist groups following the Al Qaeda ideology; but which have their own identity and regional agenda. Al Qaeda leadership; and their immediate associates, located mainly on the Pakistan and Afghanistan border. ‘Self-starting’ networks; or even lone individuals, motivated by an ideology similar to that of Al Qaeda but with no connection to the organization. Terrorist groups affiliated to Al Qaeda; particularly those based in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Yemen The threat to the United Kingdom from Al Qaeda
Cyber threats…… Terrorist use of the internet The Internet has changed the very nature of terrorism The Internet is well suited to the nature of terrorism and the psyche of the terrorist. Online radicalisation
The future of counter- terrorism policing