Neural and Hormonal System Mod 3 Part 1
Stinger 1.) What do you know about how messages travel from the brain to the rest of the body? 2.) Do you know any names of hormones or neurotransmitters? (List if you do.)
Systems Systems are often part of larger systems Bio-psycho-social system: your body, mind, and society Biological psychologists: psychologists who study links between biology, behavior, and mental processes Sleep and dreams Depressionand schizophrenia Hunger and sex Stress and disease Information systems of humans and other animals are similar
Neurons and neural impulsess What are neurons and how do they trasmit information? Neurons Nerve cells Building blocks of the nervous system Cell body, axon and dendrite Denfrtie: bushy fibers that receive information Axon: fibers that transmit information to neurons, muscles, and glands Can be very long Motor neurons like giant redwoods Myelin sheath Insulates axons of some neurons Speeds impulses Prevents misfire or cross fire Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of myelin degeneration Slower than electricity, but measured in microseconds
The Neuron
A more complex view
Action Potential Neurons fire when Receives signal from sense receptors stimulated by pressure, heat or light Stimulated by chemical messages from neighboring neurons Action potential: brief electrical charge that travels down the axon Based on exchange of ions Negative inside/positive outside Resting potential Selectively permeable: only lets certain transmitters in through certain gates Firing involves the first bit of the axon to open, then the positively charged particle moves down the axon gate by gate Depolarization area by area Refractory period Axon rests, pushing positively charged particles back out It can fire again only after resting
Phases of the Action Potential
Action Potential in Action
Chemical Reactions Excitatory chemicals push neurons accelerator Inhibitory chemicals keep neuron from firing Threshold: minimum intensity to cause neuron to fire Excitatory chemicals must overcome inhibitory chemicals Action potential moves down the axon and can trigger multiple other reactions More excitatory chemicals does not equal a bigger reaction, but it may cause more neurons to fire.
Stop and Review What are the parts of a neuron? How does chemical information move down an axon? What is necessary to send a chemical message down an axon? What is a refractory period? How do neurons communicate with each other?
Homework Complete Charts Neuron Synapse Axon Action Potential Read Pages 54-64