Click to start the mystery Created by your very own Jerome T Williams Start the story To play more games click here
The falling ice cube game Start game Start Directions
= Do not let the red ice hit you or you will freeze and have to start over Start over You have two lives if you die twice then you have to start over to try to win
You Win Main screen Level two
Directions Do not let the ball hit you Click here to begin
You Win Main screen Advance to final leve0l
Directions Do not let the blue lightning bolts hit you or you will get electrocuted. Start game
You win Home screen
You got hit Retry
Crushed You were crushed by the falling red ice cubes ice cubes please start over You were crushed by the falling red ice cubes ice cubes please start over Go back to main screen
Crushed level 2 You were crushed by the falling red ice cubes ice cubes please start over You were crushed by the falling red ice cubes ice cubes please start over Go back to main screen
Story We were driving to a friends house for a visit when our car suddenly ran out of gas in front of an old house. We walked up to the house to see if someone lived there and if they could give us some gas. The first knock we took, THE DOOR SUDDENTLY OPENED with a huge CCCRRREEEAAAKKK!!!!!! We walked inside to try to find someone or something to help us. Next pagepage
More story When we were all in the door shut and locked. We were stuck, we found some gas but now it is all up to how to get out, and if we all get out in one piece. Ugh its so blurry in here hopefully we can see our way through here Start the game now
Click the door
First room You have three options, the two doors or the stairs in front of you. Pick yours
Subtitles Oh no this room is extremely blurry, we have to find a way out NOW! Minimize thought bubble
+ Click the door or the stairs
Scary guy Oh no! you were found, start againyou
Final room The light or the door
Hey the window is covered in this type of lighted crystal to make it look like morning, sure thing that didn’t fool us. Minimize thought bubblebubble
Scary girl Oops looks like you were found, start overfound
YOU WIN! Go back to title screentitle