Activity place students in groups students make 4 different color boxes for testing (white, yellow, red, black) give each group 4 ice cubes (one per box) leave ice cubes placed in colored boxes in the sun or under heat lamp predict which color box melts ice first record the order and time required to melt ice
Colors Time to Melt (Min) Worksheet to record findings Group Members:____________________________________ Do different colors absorb heat better than others? Colors Time to Melt (Min) White___________________________________ Red_____________________________________ Yellow___________________________________ Black____________________________________ Which ice cube melted first, second, third, and fourth?
Pictures of Activity
During Experiment Before After
CONTENT COVERD certain colors absorb light better than others the sun produces heat and light Why do ice cubes melt? the purpose of solar panels changes that occur in objects On a summer afternoon, the black roof at left was measured to be 54ºF (30ºC) warmer than the white roof at right
Vocab/definitions heat: A form of energy that causes substances to rise in temperature or to go through associated phase changes (as melting, evaporation, or expansion). solar energy: Energy derived from sunlight. solar cell: A photo-electric cell that converts sunlight directly into electrical energy and can be used as a power source. solar panel: A group of solar cells forming a flat surface (as on a spacecraft). energy: The capacity for doing work; raising weight, for example. absorb: To take in; to transform (radiant energy) into a different form usually with a resulting rise in temperature. reflect: To bounce waves of light, sound, or heat off a surface. radiant energy: Energy (as heat waves, light waves, radio waves, x-rays) transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves.
REAL EXAMPLES Engineers use understanding of how different colors reflect light/heat design products & find solutions Asphalt roads/tar roofs absorb heat white roofs reflect heat cooling temperatures People use the knowledge when deciding what to wear white shirt on sunny day dark shirt on cooler day Workers install a white roof in Atlanta, Georgia, to reduce the amount of energy required to keep the inside building
Lesson can be used in….. Kindergarten-second grade classrooms Earth and Space science During Physical science lesson Investigate properties of matter & changes occurring in objects Investigate melting objects
Standards… Second grade Georgia Standard- Students will investigate the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects. Investigate melting objects International Technology &Engineering Educators Association- Different materials are used in making things. (Grades 0 - 2) Asking questions and making observations helps a person to figure out how things work. (Grades 0 - 2) Energy comes in many forms. (Grades 0 - 2) Compare, contrast, and classify collected information in order to identify patterns. (Grades 3 – 5)