Can you calculate these?
Last lesson you were working with algebraic equivalent fractions Today you will be combining algebraic fractions using all four basic operations
Rummy – to create the game Using the letters a, b, c and any numbers create 4 equivalent fractions. Try to include: fractions in the numerator or denominator. or simplification that involves factorising the numerator or denominator. Join up with three friends. Check each others work. Between you create 4 clever ‘red herrings’. Make up a set of cards with your fractions on them - make sure you mix up your handwriting.
Rummy – to play the game Deal 4 cards to each player. Place the other cards face down, in a pile, in the middle of the table. Turn over the top card, so it is face up, and place it by the side of the pile. Player 1 either picks up the card they can see or picks up the card on top of the pile. Player 1 must then throw one card away by placing it on the ‘face up’ pile. It is then Player 2’s turn. Each player takes their turn until someone has all the cards in their equivalent fractions family.
Lesson Plan Show slide 1. Starter (15 mins) Objective: To revise equivalent fractions Resources: Cards from last lesson Show slide 3 to remind students what they did last lesson. Show slide 4 and describe how to play Rummy. Students who are not feeling confident can simply sort their cards. Main Activity (30 mins) (can be started at different times depending on progress) Resources: Whiteboards, pens, cloths Ask students to sort their cards into piles of equivalent fractions. Choose two of the piles randomly. Ask each student to choose one card from each of the piles. Individually, using their whiteboards, students multiply the two fractions and simplify their answer. All the group then compare answers and discuss any differences. They then try dividing, adding and subtracting their fractions. They could consider a method of substitution when checking their answers. If time allow they should try the same operations using the other two piles of cards. Plenary Resources: Whiteboards, pens, cloths Show slide 5. Ask students to write down two fractions which multiply, divide, add, subtract to the fraction shown. Discuss strategies and solutions.