Unit 1 – Improving Productivity
1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I used a computer because my handwriting isn’t very neat, computers have spellcheck, animations, different customisation options, fonts, text sizes, and different design points. some of the other resources I could have used were leaflets and hand outs and given them out or I could have done a poster and put them up on the walls or I could have used a whiteboards and done a display on the board and then done a presentation on it. Or a could have used a flipchart and discussed why I chose how to do it. Like in the meeting. The end
1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? Some of the resources I used were some of the pictures from the school shared drive as well as some videos these are both found in the shared drive, I also had to use the pictures from the school website which we have access to on the website which has all the latest photos, videos and sounds from around the collage and places the collage students visit. I also had to find some of my pictures off google like a picture of the collage from google maps
1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? Some of the skills I learnt in order to use and make my power point are how to animate in different animations to grab the viewers eye so they keep on watching another skill I had to learn was to hyperlink all my slides together to make my buttons work another skill I had to learn was transitions between my slides So they have a bit of cool effect one other skill I had was my timing I had to code all my slides together in order
1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) Some of the things that may have affected my completing is that around the time that I did this I was quite ill and had some time off school then soon after the schools network when down so we couldn’t access the schools shared or our drives so we couldn’t get any work done for a day or two then when this got fixed I had missed out on some on the work so had a lack in knowledge on the subject so I had to catch up
1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I used Microsoft PowerPoint because I can use the animation on the software and you can put it on a timer so you just need to click it once and the software does the rest another reason I used Microsoft power point was because it is in my opinion the easiest software to use on the computer and the easiest to navigate and customise some of the other software I could have used were, Microsoft word, Microsoft publisher.
1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes) We had to have permission to use the pictures of the students in the open shared area Because of the schools rules saying that you have to have permission from the parents because of the data protection act. I was going to use loads of pictures from the internet but couldn’t because they are copyrighted. Also the school blocks some websites that have pictures I needed or would have liked to have used. I would have liked to have used more videos but couldn’t because of the upload size
2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? Some of the tools were things such as transitions which helped me to have something in-between my slides, design which gives you a wide selection of designs to choose from and when we hyperlinked all my slides together so my buttons can work, master slide which gives you a template to follow, slideshow this gives you all your timing setting and narration media controls. Format this is all the word customisation options like colour and sizes
2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? Some improvements I could have done is fixed my buttons hyperlinks and timing because they are all dysfunctional and made all my slides black and red the school colours and than my buttons the same colours made it more for a younger aged group instead of making it look dull and so that more people would pay attention and watch
3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? I could have improved on my work rate by concentrating more and when I know I'm behind going back after school and also managing my distractions from other pupils in the classroom and working hard to my deadline dates and follow the teachers instructions and before I started gather all the files pictures use a sensible name then just dragged them across.