Designing multiple biometric systems: Measure of ensemble effectiveness Allen Tang NTUIM
Agenda Introduction Measures of performance Measures of ensemble effectiveness Combination Rules Experimental Results Conclusion 2
Introduction Multimodal biometrics is better Fuse multiple biometric results Fusion at matching level is easier 4
Introduction Which biometric experts shall we choose? How to evaluate ensemble effectiveness? Which measure gives out the best result? 5
Measures of performance Notation E={E 1 …E j …E N }: a set of N experts U={u i }: the set of users s j : the set of all scores by E j for all user s ij : the score by E j for a user u i f j (u i ): function of E j produce s ij for u i th: threshold; gen: genuine; imp: impostor 7
Measures of performance: Basic False Rejection Rate(FRR) for expert E j : False Acceptance Rate(FAR) for expert E j : 8
Measures of performance: Basic p(s j |gen): E j score probability distribution to genuine users p(s j |imp): E j score probability distribution to impostor users Threshold(th) changes with the requirements of the application at hand 9
Measures of performance Area under the ROC curve(AUC) Equal error rate(ERR) The “decidability” index d’ 10
Measures of performance 11
Measures of performance: AUC Estimate AUC by Mann-Whitney statistics: This formulation of AUC is also called the “probability of correct pair-wise ranking”, as it computes the probability P( > ) 12
Measures of performance: AUC n + /n − : no. of genuine/imposter users : score set by E j for genuine users : score set by E j for impostor users 13
Measures of performance: AUC Features of AUC estimated by WMW stat. : Theoretically equivalent to the value by integrating ROC curve Attain more reliable estimation of AUC in real cases(finite samples) Divide all scores s ij into 2 sets: & 14
Measures of performance: EER EER is the point of ROC curve where FAR and FRR are equal The lower the value of EER, the better the performance of a biometric system 15
Measures of performance: d’ The d’ in the biometrics is to measure the separability of the distributions of genuine and impostor scores 16
Measures of performance: d’ μ gen /μ imp : mean of genuine/impostor score distribution σ gen /σ imp : std. deviation of genuine/impostor score distribution The larger the d’, the better the performance of a biometric system 17
Measures of ensemble effectiveness 4 measures for estimating effectiveness of ensemble of biometric experts: AUC, EER, d’, and Score Dissimilarity(SD) Index But we must take the difference in performance among the experts into consideration 19
Measures of ensemble effectiveness Generic, weighted and normalized performance measure(pm) formulation: pm δ =μ pm ∙ (1−tanh(σ pm )) For AUC: AUC δ =μ AUC ∙ (1−tanh(σ AUC )) The higher the AUC average, the better the performances of an ensemble of experts 20
Measures of ensemble effectiveness For ERR: ERR δ =μ ERR ∙ (1−tanh(σ ERR )) The lower the ERR average, the better the performances of an ensemble of experts For d’, consider the value of d’ that can be much larger than 1, use normalized D’=log b (1+d’) instead of d’, and base b=10 according to the values of d’ in experiments Thus D’ δ =μ D’ ∙ (1−tanh(σ D’ )) is used 21
Measures of ensemble effectiveness: SD index SD index is based on the WMW formulation of the AUC, and is designed to measure the amount of improvement in AUC of the combination of an ensemble of experts SD index is a measure of the amount of AUC that can be “recovered” by exploiting the complementarity of the experts 22
Measures of ensemble effectiveness: SD index Consider 2 experts E1 & E2, and all possible scores pairs, divide these pairs into 4 subsets S 00, S 10, S 01, S 11 : 23
Measures of ensemble effectiveness: SD index AUC of E1 & E2 are listed below, where card(S uv ) is the cardinality of the subset S uv : SD index is defined as: 24
Measures of ensemble effectiveness: SD index The higher the value of SD, the higher the maximum AUC that could be obtained by the combined scores But actual increments of AUC depends on the combination method, and high SDs usually related to low performance experts Performance measure formulation for SD: SD δ =μ SD ∙ (1−tanh(σ SD )) 25
Combination Rules Combination(Fusion) in this work is at the score level, as it is the most widely used and flexible combination level Investigate the performance of 4 combination methods: mean rule, product rule, linear combination by LDA, and DSS LDA & DSS require a training phase to estimate the parameters needed to perform the combination 27
Combination Rules: Mean Rule The mean rule is applied directly to the matching scores produced by the set of N experts 28
Combination Rules: Product Rule The product rule is applied directly to the matching scores produced by the set of N experts 29
Combination Rules: Linear Combination by LDA Linear discriminant analysis(LDA) can be used to compute the weights of a linear combination of the scores This rule is to attain a fused score with minimum within-class variations and maximum between-class variations 30
Combination Rules: Linear Combination by LDA W t (W): transformation vector computed using a training set S i : vector of the scores assigned to the user u i by all the experts μ gen /μ imp : mean of genuine/impostor score distribution S w : within-class scatter matrix 31
Combination Rules: DSS Dynamic score selection(DSS) is to select one of the scores s ij available for each user u i, instead of fusing them into a new score The ideal selector is based on the knowledge of the state of nature of each user: 32
Combination Rules: DSS DSS selects the scores according estimation of the state of nature for each user, and the algorithm is based on quadratic discriminant classifier (QDC) For the estimation, a vector space is built where the vector components are the scores assigned to the user by the N experts 33
Combination Rules: DSS Train a classifier on this vector space by using a training set related to genuine and impostor users Using the classifier to estimate the state of nature of the user After getting the estimation of the state of nature of the user, select user’s score according to (5). 34
Experimental Results: Goal Investigate the correlation between the measures of the effectiveness of the ensemble Understand final performances achieved by the combined experts, and get the best measures 36
Experimental Results: Preparation Scores source: 41 experts and 4 DBs from open category in 3rd Fingerprint Verification Competition(FVC2004) No. of scores: For each sensor and for each expert, a total of 7750 scores, attempts from gen./imp. users are 2800/4950 For LDA & DSS training, divide scores into 4 subsets, with 700 gen. and 1238 imp. each 37
Experimental Results: Process No. of expert pairs: 13,120(41x40x2x4) For each pair, compute the measures of effectiveness by AUC, EER, d’ and SD index Combine the pairs using 4 combination rules, then compute related values of AUC and EER to show the performance Use a graphical representation of the results of the experiments 38
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against AUC 39
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against AUC 40
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against AUC According to graphs, AUC δ isn’t useful because no clear relationship with AUC of combination rules High AUC δ attains high AUC, but lower AUC δ gets value in wide range High AUC δ relates to high performance and similar behavior experts pair Mean rule has best AUC δ 41
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against EER 42
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against EER 43
Experimental Results: AUC δ plotted against EER AUC δ is uncorrelated with the EER too Any value of AUC δ, the EER spans over a wide range of values Can not predict the performance of the combination in terms of EER by AUC δ 44
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against AUC 45
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against AUC 46
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against AUC Behavior better than AUC δ, but still no clear relationship between EER δ and AUC Mean rules has best result too 47
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against EER 48
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against EER 49
Experimental Results: EER δ plotted against EER No correlation between EER δ and EER Graphs from AUC δ against EER and EER δ against EER have similar results So AUC and EER are not suitable to evaluate combination of experts, despite that they are widely used for unimodal biometric system 50
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against AUC 51
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against AUC 52
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against AUC Higher values of D' δ guarantee smaller ranges of values of the performance of the combination D' δ has higher and clearer correlation with performance of combination Mean rule gets best result, and product rule is the worst 53
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against EER 54
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against EER 55
Experimental Results: D’ δ plotted against EER D' δ has better correlation with EER too D' δ is much better than AUC δ and EER δ D' δ is a good measure to evaluate the effectiveness of candidate ensembles of biometric experts 56
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against AUC 57
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against AUC 58
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against AUC SD δ does have some correlation with AUC because SD is designed to predict max improvement in AUC by combining experts, but is still not clear enough Small SD δ s guarantee large performance, especially for high performance experts pair, because higher the AUC of the individual experts, the smaller the complementarity 59
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against EER 60
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against EER 61
Experimental Results: SD δ plotted against EER SDδ with EER isn’t as good as AUC Result from product rule is still no good 62
Conclusion To predict performance improvement, product rule exhibit worst, mean rule is best, and LDA & DSS not far from mean rule Under mean rule, LDA & DSS have similar results Performance of combined experts is not highly correlated with single one in general 64
Conclusion The best measure of ensemble is D' δ, while AUC δ and ERR δ isn’t good enough, and SD δ performs like AUC δ Based on above results, D' δ with mean rule tops any other pairs of measure and combination rule, and is the most suitable method to be the measure of ensemble effeectiveness 65