What happened?. If you don’t want to have any accidents,you must obey traffic laws. Do you think so ? What should you do when you are walking or riding.


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Presentation transcript:

What happened?

If you don’t want to have any accidents,you must obey traffic laws. Do you think so ? What should you do when you are walking or riding in the street? Look at the traffic lights Don’t ride so fast. safety rules

Lesson 31 You must wear a helmet.

drivers motorcyclists cyclistspedestrians

brake light helmet tire locks give rides to/give a ride to

traffic lights sidewalkcrosswalk seat belt speed limit

crosswalk sidewalk speed limit lock brake tire seat belt give rides to 人行横道 人行道 限速 轮胎 安全带 骑车载人 n. 锁 v. 锁, 锁上 车闸

Always wear a seat belt. Follow all traffic sighs and rules. Be aware of pedestrians at the crosswalk. Drive according to the speed limit. Don’t drive after drinking. Don’t make phone calls while you are driving. Check your brakes and tires often. Don’t try to do dangerous tricks on it. Don’t give rides to other people. Learn basic cycling skills – most importantly know how to stop safety. Don’t ride on the sidewalk. Lock it when you leave it in a public place. Always wear a helmet. Use a light on the front and back of your motorcycle. Don’t ride on the sidewalk. Check that your motorcycle is in good condition before riding it. Remember to obey traffic laws. Walk on the sidewalk. Walk on the right side of the street when there is no sidewalk. Cross the street at the crosswalk. Pay attention to traffic lights. Don’t read when you are walking in the street. Rules for drivers Rules for motorcyclists Rules for cyclists Rules for pedestrians Step 2: ( 1 )获取主旨完成标题填写

1.Drive according to the speed limit 2..Pay attention to traffic lights 3Lock your bicycle When you leave it in public place 4.Walk on the sidewalk 5.Don't give rides to other people 6.Check your brakes and tires often Step 2: ( 2 )理解规则与相应的图片连线 (A) (B)(C) (D)(E) (F)

√ × × Don't ride on the sidewalk. Don‘t try to do dangerous tricks on it. Cross the street at the crosswalk. Step 2 ( 3 )理解规则,判断下列图片行为的对 与错。

× √ √ Don’t make phone calls while you are driving. Be aware of pedestrians at the crosswalk. Check that your motorcycle is in good condition before riding it.

1. You can drive as quickly as you like. ( ) 2. It is important to know how to stop a bike safely.  3.You have to ride a motor on the sidewalk. (  )(  ) 4. You must walk on the left side of the street when there is no sidewalk. mustn`t Don`t ( ) ( )( ) right

be aware of drive according to wear obey pay attention to traffic lights traffic laws pedestrians the speed limit a helmet

check give rides to lock walk do on the sidewalk brakes and tires tricks other people your bicycle

according to Pay attention to be aware of

give a ride to

Remember , ride,obey,right, front, pay attention to Rules for motorcyclists Always wear a helmet. Use a light on the __1________and back of your motorcycle. Don’t __2__on the sidewalk. _3___that your motorcycle is in good condition before riding it. Remember to __4___ traffic laws. front ride Check obey

Remember , ride,obey,right, front, pay attention to Rules for pedestrians Walk on the ___5___side of the street when there is no sidewalk. Cross the street at the. __6_________ traffic lights. Don’t read when you are walking in the street. right Pay attention to

语言运用: 3 月是学雷锋月,上周日我校组织团员参加了交通安 全宣传活动,现在请你们以小组为单位结合本课词 汇及阅读训练的文段,写一份宣传材料,倡议人们 要遵守交通安全,要求每个人的材料中至少提出 4 项 规则,并包含祈使句肯、否定 2 种形式;可以参考书 中内容,也可再自行补充 1-2 项规则,然后在小组内 分享。(可任选一类) 开头如下: Hello,everyone! We must obey the following rules when we ride bicycles: _____________________________ ___________________

Rules for drivers : What should drivers do when it rains or snows? Can you drive after drinking beer? Should you talk to others when you are driving? Drive slowly and carefully in bad weather. Don’t drive after drinking beer. Don’t talk to others when you are driving.

Rules for cyclists Should you have lights on your bicycle? Should cyclists pay attention to traffic lights? 让路 Should cyclists give way to ( 让路 ) pedestrians? Use a light on your bike. Pay attention to traffic lights. Give way to pedestrians.

Rules for motorcyclists Can you ride as quickly as you like? Is it important to have a license? Should you do tricks on your motorcycle? Don’t ride too fast. Have a motorcycle license before riding. Don’t do tricks on your motorcycle.

Rules for pedestrians What should pedestrians do before crossing the road? Can you wear your earphones when you are walking on the street? Should you be aware of the vehicles when you are walking on the roads? Look around and make sure it’s safe before crossing the road. Don’t wear earphones when walking. Be aware of the vehicles.

根据中英文提示写一篇语法正确、意思连贯、符合 逻辑的短文。要求不少于 50 字 我们学校大部分的同学都是骑车上学,结合本课词 汇训练及阅读训练的文段,向全校汽车的同学写 一份倡议书,建议同学们要注意交通安全,开头 如下: Dear classmates,We must obey the following rules when we ride bicycles: ____________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________