Session 7
Louisiana Positive Behavior Support Project 2 nd Annual State Conference July 9-10, 2009
CURRENT LAPBS PROJECT: Where we were, where we are, and where we’re going!
2869 Individuals from 468 schools received training from 2002 until December Individuals from 222 schools received training from January current 279 Individuals received School wide Evaluation Tool Training to become evaluators 135 Universal Trainers available statewide 1,411 School Teams trained since 2002 in Primary Training
1,519 Individuals received training in Secondary related topics from December individuals received training in Secondary related topics from January current 12 Pilot sites were trained by Project Staff and Consultant 46 Individuals were trained to provide Secondary Intervention training 93 additional schools have received training and had complete teams
Meetings were conducted to design initial tertiary design characteristics Tertiary intervention materials were drafted and revised 7 pilot sites were trained in May 2009 which were determined from Secondary Implementation 99 participants from 7 schools, along with a district team from each school’s district, attended training in Tertiary Intervention
Regional Coalitions 8 Regional Coalitions Representing 58 of 64 Parishes Charters are being integrated within existing regional coalitions One “fiscal agent” per region Voluntary participation Regional (not local) focus Funds used to leverage and coordinate trainings
PBS implementer in ? Initial SWPBS Training
Alternative School (1) Current Project Baseline
Alternative School (2) February Months
Elementary Schools (139) Middle/Jr. High Schools (33) High Schools (19) Alternative School (5) Elementary/Middle (7) 12 months
Elementary Schools (154) Middle/Jr. High Schools (44) High Schools (24) Alternative School (5) Elementary/Middle (7) Schools maintained Demo Status(38) 18 months
Top 9 schools 8 out of 9 schools reduced out of school suspensions 7 schools reduced in school suspensions 8 of 9 schools’ attendance rates higher than state average Grade 4 LEAP (LA) increased 9-17 points Math 4 LEAP 7-32 point increase over past 5 years
Top 9 schools continued Grade 8 LEAP (LA) increases in 3 of 5 schools (range 3-13 points) past 5 years Grade 8 (Math) increases 3 of 5 schools (5-11 points) past 5 years Grade 10 GEE (LA/Math) increases past year well above state average
Top 9 schools ELA passage rates percentage points above state average Math – percentage points above state average
La Dept. of Education plans for Consolidated Monitoring Desktop monitoring of BESE Model Master Plan and PBS with Contact(s) Site visitations SET visits
BESE Model Master Plan Improve Safe school planning Revise zero tolerance Provide improved mental health services in/through schools Graphical representation of data Safe school planning Inter-agency cooperation transfer of discipline records- 10 days, including suspension/expulsion records Usage of state-approved discipline forms Review Crisis Intervention Plan Improve/strengthen Parental/community involvement in school Leadership team works to increase direct communication, coordination, and collaboration with other agencies BESE Model Master Plan and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Improve classroom management through implementation of positive behavioral supports 3-5 expectations Data-driven decision making Leadership team consisting of all school stakeholders, including support personnel Leadership team monitors, evaluates, and modifies School’s Master Discipline Plan Code of Student Conduct reviewed/revised to include Rewards/incentives Annual report to school board Positive Behavior Support Louisiana PBS Project technical assistance and staff development through LSU Project Regional Coalition access BoQ self-assessment SET external assessment State and international conference Technical assistance and support from DOE PBS personnel PBIS network Usage of IDEA Part-B funding to implement research-based, scientific way to address school climate
Please complete evaluations Session 7 Rob Schaff
School Climate Section Rob Schaff- Section Leader – JJRA and PBS Terri Byrd – Educational Consultant Lillie Burn – Educational Consultant