2007 Water Law & Policy Seminars The Water In Your Future How to Put Our Colorado River to Use Jerry Olds State Engineer
Objectives Upper Colorado River Basin Utah Apportionment Current level of water use How much unused water Approved yet undeveloped Future issues
Colorado River Basin Utah’s Apportionment 1922 Colorado River Compact 1948 Upper Basin Compact Other Acts, Treaties And Agreements Utah - apportioned 23 % 1.37 – 1.44 MAF
Utah’s Apportionment (23%) 1,369,000 AF Current Depletion1,007,500 AF Remaining Depletion 361,500 AF Utah’s Upper Colorado River Entitlement & Current Depletions
ApplicantQuantity (Ac Ft) San Juan County WCD 30,000 Central Utah WCD 29,500 Board of W R (et al) 158,000 Wayne County WCD 50,000 Kane County WCD 30,000 Sanpete WCD 5,600 Uintah County WCD 5,000 Others (< 5000 AF) 80,000* Ute Tribe ? 105, ,100 TOTAL 493,100 Potential Depletion Approved Applications (Undeveloped)
Navajo Nation Water Rights There is no argument that the Navajo Nation have water rights, the question is how much?
ApplicantQuantity (Ac Ft) Priority SJ County WCD 30, CUWCD 29, Bd of W R (et al) 158, Wayne CWCD50, Kane CWCD30, Sanpete WCD 5, Uintah CWCD 5, Others (< 5000 AF)80,000 (40,000 < 1965)na Ute Tribe ?105, * Navajo Nation? , * Potential Depletion Approved Applications (Undeveloped) DRAFT – Subject to revision 593,100
Extension of Time ( ) Public water supply agency First 50 years Reasonable and due diligence After 50 years Demonstrate the need for the water Number of applications approaching 50 years
Current Policy Regarding Protection of Fish Flows Biological Opinion Nov 1992 Adopted by SE in Nov 1994 Flaming Gorge to Duchesne River as measured at Jensen gage Summer and Autumn Period Target Flows Summer 1,100 –1800 CFS Autumn 1,100 – 2,400 CFS Future water needs - 20 CFS
Upstream development by Wyoming & Colorado
New Issues Related to Protection of Fisheries Flows Year-round protection Green River - Flaming Gorge to confluence Future water use Will be addressing – flow protection
Growth and Water Use Lower Basin
Colorado River Water Policy Issues Use Utah’s Apportionment Current Policy 1 family, stock & 1 acre of irrigation Approved yet undeveloped applications Extensions past 50 years Close to new appropriations Block of water for small domestic wells Limit to 1 family, stock & ¼ acre irr Fixed time applications Protection of fisheries flows
Trend line for reconstructed precipitation data 1 2 3
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