First Grade Animal Kingdom Slide Shows
Animal Kingdom By: Meekha
Mammals Feeds young milk Fur or hair Warm-blooded
Fish Lives in the water Cold blooded Has gills
Reptile Lays eggs Cold blooded Has scales or plates
birds Lays eggs Warm blooded Has feathers
Insects –Hard external skeleton –Segmented body –Six lagse
Animal Kingdom By: Ava and Nia
Mammals Feeds young milk Fur or hair Warm-blooded
fish Lives in water cold blooded Has gills
reptille Lays eggs Cold blooded Has scales or plates
Birds Lays eggs Warm blooded Has feathers
Insects Hard external skeleton segmented body Six legs
Animal Kingdom By: Michael and Brayden
Mammals Feeds young milk Fur or hair Warm-blooded
Fish Lives in water Cold blooded Has gills
Lays eggs Cold blooded Has scales or plates Reptile
Birds Lays eggs Warm blooded Has feathers
Insects Hard exteranl skeleton Segmentd body Six legs
Thank you for coming to see our work! First Grade Nia, Ava, Meekha, Michael and Brayden