Useful Resources/Websites: Data Management Fact Sheets – Summary of Attendance Codes, Status Codes, Replink (Attendance Reports). - available on SSO Net or Attendance Improvement Package- (2003) supports schools to develop improved responses to attendance. Additional copies available: (Go to Attendance Improvement). Draft Attendance Policy – (Go to Attendance) Amendments to Administrative Instructions and Guidelines (AIG’s) As above.
Resources Continued… Managing Truancy Together – Training and development package for police and schools. (Go to Student Wellbeing, then Attendance, then Managing Truancy) Indigenous Students – “Better Practice in School Attendance – Improving the Attendance of Indigenous Students”. ces/profiles/better_practice_school_attendance_improving_indigeno us.htm UK Research – “Tackling it Together: Working Together to Raise Attendance”. US Research - “Increasing Student Attendance: Strategies from Research and Practice”
Resources continued… Exemption from School Attendance Application Form (4 School Weeks and Over): Then Documents Enter Reference Number ED 175 (document dated 2003) Information Sent via InfoConnect to Schools: - Student Transfer Process (May 2004). District Office- Student Inclusion and Wellbeing Coordinators and Student Attendance Counsellors: - support schools to develop policy and procedures; -provide information regarding Draft Attendance Policy and AIG’s; -have input/support development of Attendance Improvement Plans; -support schools to make links with community agencies and networks.