The Beginnings of Education (? To 476 A.D.) b Sumeria: cuneiform math “texts”, 2000 B.C. b China: some evidence of schools, 2000 B.C. b Greece: society assumes responsibility for education, 500 B.C.
Greek Education 500 B.C A.D. b “Education” for elite. b “Training” for the masses. b Education was in liberal studies; to be effective leaders. b Training was in trades, labor, military, etc.
Socrates to Plato to Aristotle , , BC b Socrates: b Socratic method teacher asks series of questions to lead students to a certain conclusion. b “Knowledge is virtue.” b Found guilty of inciting people against government by Socratic method, put to death.
Plato b Society should have 3 classes of people: -artisans, to do manual work. -soldiers, to defend society. -philosophers, to advance knowledge and rule.
Aristotle b Education should be: -scientific. -practical, -objective. b Education is a social responsibility.
Roman Education b Conquered Greece in 146 B.C. b Influenced by Greeks. b “Latin schools” for children offered general education. b Higher education grew from a library after 70 A.D. Included law, medicine, math, mechanics.
Education in the Middle Ages A.D. b 476: fall of Roman Empire. b Catholic Church rises to power. b Church maintains power by maintaining control over knowledge. b Eventual plunge into “dark ages.” b Charlemagne (768) provided spark for education.
Middle Ages (continued) b Revival in learning: b Medieval universities began. b Middle Eastern influence spread from Northern Africa and Spain. -From Mohammed’s influence ( ).
Roots of Modern Education b Renaissance: started in Italy ~ b We reacquired a spirit of free inquiry. b Protestant Reformation b Martin Luther published “95 Theses” over right of individual access to God through direct access to Bible, 1517.
Modern Education present b Voltaire: Age of Reason. b Rousseau: Emergence of Man. b Pestalozzi: Leonard and Gertrude. b Hebart: teaching method in 5 steps. b Froebel: Education of Man.
Education in America b 1635: Latin grammer school est. in Boston. b 1636: Harvard established. b 1647: Massachusetts law required public schools. b By mid-1700’s: public elementary schools. Several colleges. b By early 1800’s: high schools.