Native Americans of Long Ago Pawnee Nation Native Americans of Long Ago
Great Plains
Great Plains Map
Plant Resources flowers grasses cedar trees
Fill in your worksheet about plants. Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about plants.
Animal Resources mole skunk rabbit prairie dog
Animal Resources Mule Deer Coyote
Bison Bison are sometimes called buffalo. That is not the correct name for them, but it is okay to say it.
Fill in your worksheet about animals. Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about animals.
Pawnee Tribe The Pawnee people lived in Nebraska. This region has all four seasons. The climate can be very cold and snowy, or it can be very hot and humid. The land is mostly flat or hilly, but some areas to the north start to have mountains.There are rivers, lakes, and prairie. A prairie is a grassy land with few trees.
Pawnee Food beans The Pawnee people ate corn, beans, squash, pumpkin, and bison. pumpkins and squash corn
Fill in your worksheet about food. Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about food.
Pawnee Shelter The Pawnee people lived in earth lodges. An earth lodge was made from soil and grass. Between 30-50 people would live in the lodge. Sometimes plants grew on top of the lodge, or animals would walk on top.
Earth Lodge
Tipi The word tipi can be spelled three ways: tipi, teepee, or tepee. All are correct. The Pawnee people lived in tipis when they needed to move a lot to hunt the bison. The tipi was made by the women from buffalo hide. A tipi was useful because it was easy to keep it cool in the summer.
Fill in your worksheet about shelter. Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about shelter.
Pawnee Clothing Clothing was made from skins. Men wore leggings, a loin cloth, a belt, blankets, necklaces, and buffalo robes. Women wore leggings, skirts and shirts and necklaces.
Pawnee Clothing
Pawnee Clothing
Ceremonial Clothing The clothing that these men had on was only worn for special ceremonies.
Fill in your worksheet about clothing. Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about clothing.
Horses The Pawnee people are known for riding horses to hunt buffalo. There weren’t any horses in America until the Spanish explorers brought them in the 1500s. Before the Spanish, the Pawnee had to hunt on foot.
Hunting Tools bow and arrows tomahawk
Cradleboard A baby was put in a cradleboard when families moved from place to place.
Dreamweaver The dreamweaver was made to catch the bad dreams of children. Only good dreams were allowed to go through to the sleeping child.
The Pawnee people used a “travois” /trah - v wah’/ to carry things on. Before there were horses to pull the travois, the Pawnee used dogs and people to pull them.
Pawnee Pottery
Review Where is the Great Plains region? What plants and animals are in this region? What is the climate like in this region? What resources did the Pawnee tribe use to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter? What other interesting information do you know about the Pawnee people?
Native Americans End of Lesson