BOARD ENDS POLICY REVIEW E-2 Science and Social Studies Testing Results USD 244 Board of Education April 9, 2001
Science Results n IOWA TEST OF BASIC SKILLS n Nationally-Normed Test n Tests curriculum items most commonly taught in classroom across the nation. n Given to all 3rd through 8th and 12th grade students. n Testing window is the first two weeks of October. n BUILDING REPORT CARD n ACT SCORES n KANSAS ASSESSMENT (baseline-spring of 2001) n KU PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (baseline - spring of 2001)
n Grades 3 through 8 scores fell within the average range n Grade 8 general education students scored slightly above the average range. n Both groups at grade 12 scored above the average range. n There is little difference between the scores of “all” students and “general education” students most grade levels. The greatest difference appears at grade 7.
n The greatest percent of students scoring in the upper quartile is at grade 12 with 55 percent of the students in the top quartile. n The greatest percent of students in the lower quartile are at grades 4 and 5.
n Males scored below females at all grade levels except 3rd and 5th. n The most significant difference between males and females is a grade 12. n Most scores fell within the average range. Males scored above the average range at grade 3 while females scored above the average range at grades 8 and 12. n Low SES groups scored below the High SES groups at all grade levels except 3. n The most significant differences between SES groups are at grades 7, 8, and 12.
n Data shows improvement at grades 3 and 8. n The 8th grade cohort group has shown improvement over the three years.
n Students taking college prep courses (core) scored higher than those not taking the college prep courses (less). n Total group ACT scores have varied slightly over the past 5 years. n BHS students in the “core” group scored a couple of points above the state and national averages. n BHS students in the “less” group scored below the state and national averages.
n In the year 2000, BHS students passing advanced science courses was about 36 percent less than the average percent across the state.
Social Studies Results n IOWA TEST OF BASIC SKILLS n Nationally-Normed Test n Tests curriculum items most commonly taught in classroom across the nation. n Given to all 3rd through 8th and 12th grade students. n Testing window is the first two weeks of October. n KANSAS ASSESSMENT (baseline - spring of 2001) n KU PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (baseline - spring of 2001)
n Grades 3 through 8 scores fell within the average range with grade 8 general education students above the average range. n Both groups at grade 12 scored above the average range. n There is little difference between the scores of “all” students and “general education” students.
n The greatest percent of students scoring in the upper quartile is at grade 12 with 43 percent of the students in the top quartile. n The greatest percent of students in the lower quartile is at grade 5.
n Males scored below females at all grade levels except 3rd. n The most significant difference between males and females is a grade 12. n Most scores fell within the average range. n Low SES groups scored below the High SES groups at all grade levels except 3, 8, and 12. n Low SES groups scored below the average range in grades 4, 5, 6, and 7.
n In program improvement, upward trends are evident at grades 3, 7, and 8. n Cohort groups show improvement at grades 6 and 8.