LO: know how to write effective evaluation on coursework
Summary of the institution who would make this text, target audience, and how the product targets them Brief description of any research and planning How codes and conventions have been used to communicate representations and how meaning is made Evaluation of successes of decisions and revisions made in design process Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses within finished production
What type of institution would make your film? E.g. is it a big budget film with well known US actors? This would be produced and distributed by a large Hollywood studio e.g. Warner Bros or Universal. Or is it a small budget, possibly British film with unknown or less famous actors. This would be produced by a small independent film company e.g. Warp films and have to be distributed by a separate company e.g. Lionsgate Who is your target audience (age, gender)? How does your produce target them (e.g. image – size, action, costume etc and slogan – what language is used?)
What research did you carry out into teen films? E.g. what did you find out about what is needed in a teen film How did you decide on the plot and characters in your film? How did you decide on the actors and setting? How did you plan your first draft? What are the conventions of a DVD cover/poster?
What are the codes and conventions (rules) of Teen movies DVD covers/posters How are your characters represented on your cover e.g. strong, funny, romantic etc How is this shown through facial expression, body language, clothing, hair, make up etc What do you want to say about your film from the cover?
What program did you use to design your dvd cover/poster? What changes did you make during your design process e.g. change image, change wording, layout etc Why did you make these changes?
What are the strengths of your finished product? E.g. what makes it look like a dvd cover/ poster? What conventions of a teen movie have you shown? Have you represented your teen characters effectively? What improvements could be made to your cover? E.g. could you make it look more explicitly like a dvd cover? Could you make the genre more obvious?