S ome Thoughts on Our Solar Energy Future ~In Pictures~ MDV-SEIA Solar Focus 2013 The Sun Rises in the East Comments of Ron Binz Public Policy Consulting November 12, 2013 Washington, DC
Public Policy Consulting
WECC (2032): Potential Bypass Threats from Distributed Generation are Large WECC-wide Behind-the-Meter DG: 19 GW of solar PV + 7 GW of CHP Distributed PV based on “interconnection potential” (no back-flow through feeders), with adjustments to reflect relative economics among states CHP additions represent a fixed percentage (~40%) of technical potential in each state Percent of 2032 Peak Demand Source: E3 (2013).
Colorado New JerseyGermany Arizona Virginia DC Maryland
Renewable Electricity Futures Study (REF) Exploration of High-Penetration Renewable Electricity Futures Available at NREL.gov
Baseline Case
The Final Word 111(d)
Thank You Ron Binz Public Policy Consulting