Unit 5 Films Welcome to the unit actor actress Daniel Emma.


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Unit 5Films Period 1 Welcome to the unit. actor actress Daniel Emma.
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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Films Welcome to the unit

actor actress Daniel Emma


Good actors and actresses put their own feelings into their acting. They should also listen to the director’s instructions.

Action! Good Take! Stand by! Take Two! A: Being a director

Get ready Start Once more Well done Bad Stand by Action Take two Good take NG No good CutStop

Discussion 1. What would you like to be, an actor/actress or director? 2. Why ?

Who makes a film? actor / actress director producer cameraman make-up artist scriptwriter lighting manager 演员 导演 制片人 摄像 化装师 编剧 灯光师

1.actor /actress a. 服装师 2.director b. 灯光 3.producer c. 编剧 4.cameraman d. 摄影师 5.make-up artist e. 剪辑 6.sciptwriter f. 监制,制片人 7.lighting manager g. 导演 8.costume designer h. 演员 9.set designer i. 布景师 10.film editor j. 化妆师

Being an actor A: Would you like to be an actress? B: Yes. I’d love to. What about you? A:I don’t like acting very much. I’d rather be a director.

Hollywood What is it famous for( 因 … 出名) ? Hollywood is famous for its films and superstars.

Steven Spielberg: Ang Lee : John Wu : 斯蒂文 斯皮尔伯格 ET 《外星人》 Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 李安 Crouching Tiger, hidden Dragon 《卧虎藏龙》 吴宇森 Face off 《变脸》 M: I-2 《不可能的任务 2 》

Feng Xiaogang: Zhang Yimou: 冯小刚 《甲方乙方》 《大腕》 张艺谋 《秋菊打官司》 《英雄》 The Dream Factory Big Shot’s Funeral The Story of Qiuju The Hero

Eddie and Hobo are talking about superstar. Who is a superstar, Eddie or Hobo?

1.What does Eddie think he is? 2.Does Hobo think so? 3.What is Hobo’s advice ? 4.Eddie says he is too good for TV. What does he mean? Answer questions He thinks he is a superstar. No, he doesn’t. He wants Eddie to stop daydreaming and he thinks Eddie should be more realistic. He thinks he should be in Hollywood instead of TV.

1.Act out the dialogue and add more information if necessary. (actor, actress, director,cameraman, lighting manager) 2.Talk about your favourite actors or actresses.

Traslation: 1 .他不想当演员。他宁愿当电脑程序员。 2 . A: 我想在这次英语考试中得满分。 B: 别做白日梦了。 90 分就够了。 3 .大考快到了。你应该比以前更用功些。 4 .这个南瓜圆圆的。它太合适做灯笼了。 你那么高。你太合适打篮球了。 5 .上课铃已经打过了。你们为什么还不停 止讲话呢? 6 .你知道他是谁吗?

1.Learn the new words by heart after class. 2.Read the text fluently. 3. Prepare for the next period. 4.Search the Internet for your favourite films and actors/actresses. Homework