Hieroglyphic Numerals
Egyptian numerals Additive System
The eye of Horus
The Battle of Seth and Horus Seth murders his brother Osiris Horus goes to revenge his father Big Seth mutilates Horus’ eye Horus castrates Seth Thote collects pieces of eye and heals it Eye is now symbol of wholeness
Earliest engraving King Narmer’s club handle BC
Egyptian hieratic numerals
Greek Acrophonic Numerals
Greek acrophonic numerals Multiplicative System
Roman Numerals
Roman Numerals
Roman numerals
Development of Roman Numerals for Large Numbers
Archaic Chinese numerals 14 th – 11 th centuries BC
Archaic Chinese Numerals
Those Magnificent Mayans
Ordinary Mayan numerals
Zero Ground zero Japanese zero
Zero Origin- Arabic al-sifer = zero Hundi- sunya = void, empty - shunya = zero English- cipher = meaning empty space old names- aught, naught, and cipher
The History of Zero
The Abacus Latin = abacus/abaci Greek = abax or abakon = table or tray From Semitic word abq= dust, sand
The Table of Salamis 4 th or 5 th century BC Found on the island of Salamis in 1846
Ancient Counting Devices
Ancient Chinese counting grid
Counting devices of the Middle Ages
Modern Abaci