Skeletal System Disorders
Osteoporosis Affects 25 million Americans, 80% are women Most often seen in post- menopausal, white women The mineral density of the bone is reduced leaving the bones thinner, porous and susceptible to fracture Person loses calcium and phophorous
Bone Loss Bone at age 33
Bone Loss Bone at age 55
Bone Loss Bone at age 75
Treatment for Osteoporosis Aimed at preventing or slowing down the process: –Adequate calcium intake –Regular exercise –Estrogen (hormone supplement) for post- menopausal women –Avoid high sodium & potassium diets –Bone density studies
Fractures A break in the bone
Types of Fractures Closed/Simple- Bone breaks but does not pierce the skin
Open/Compound Fracture Open/Compound Pierces through the skin—need to be concerned with infection
Greenstick Fracture Common in children Bone is bent but never separates
Comminuted Fracture bone is splintered or broken into many pieces
Ways to Treat Fractures 1.Closed reduction-bone fragments are brought into alignment by manipulation and a cast is applied to immobilize the bone 2.Open Reduction- Surgical intervention where devises such as wires, plates or screws are used to hold the bone in alignment and cast or splint is applied 3.Traction- A pulling force is used to hold the bone in place (used for fractures of the long bone)
Sprain An injury to a joint caused by anysudden or unusual motion Occurs most often to a joint while running Often occurs with damaged ligaments Signs: Swelling and pain in the joint area
Treatment for a Sprain R-I-C-E R: Rest I: Ice to decrease swelling C: Compression (with an ace bandage) E: Elevate to decrease swelling
STRAIN overstretching or tearing a muscle Tx— PRICE:protection rest, ice, compression and elevation
Dislocation Bone displaced from proper position in joint
ARTHROSCOPY examination into joint using arthroscope with fiber optic lens most knee injuries treated with arthroscopy.
Arthritis Inflammation of one or more joints Also called osteoarthritis
Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine When the spine has a curvature different from the norm Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis
Kyphosis AKA: Hunchback A humped curvature in the thoracic curvature of the spine
Lordosis AKA: Swayback Exaggerated inward curvature in the lumbar region of the spine just above the sacrum
Scoliosis A side-to-side or lateral curvature of the spine causing 1 shoulder to be lower than the other
Treatment for Abnormal Curvatures 1.Exercise 2.Back brace 3.Insertion of a metal rod
Arthritis Inflammation of the joints Most commonly seen in the hand and knee joints
Arthritis Treatment Medications called nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. A real exercise program— swimming, golf, walking, tennis, range-of-motion exercises (such as stretching) Physical therapy
The End