Scoliosis – lateral spinal curvature Commonly in thorax Treated before bone growth is completed Kyphosis –dorsal spinal curvature Hunchback Results from osteoporosis, rickets, etc. Lordosis – ventral lumbar curvature Heavy belly load (potbelly, pregnant)
Flexion: Bending movement along the sagittal plane Decreases the angle of a joint Brings the articulating bones closer together
Bending the head forward on the chest
Bending the knee Raising the arm in an anterior direction
Extension: Opposite of flexion Straightening movement along the sagittal plane Increases the angle at a joint Moves the articulating bones further apart
Straightening the knee Moving the arm to a point posterior to the shoulder
Tilting the head backwards
Abduction: Movement along the coronal plane Away from the midline
Moving the arm sideways, away from the body Moving the fingers away from the third digit
Adduction: Opposite of abduction Towards the midline
Moving the arms towards the midline of the trunk Moving the fingers towards the third digit
Circumduction: Combination of flexion, abduction, extension and adduction Moving a limb in a conical shape
Twirling the arm Twirling the thumb
Rotation: Turning the bone along its own axis
Turning the head
Turning the femur towards the midline (medial rotation) Turning the femur away from the midline (lateral rotation)
Elevation Lifting in a superior direction Shrugging the shoulders Closing the mouth
Depression: Moving in an inferior direction Opening the mouth
Protraction: Anterior movements in a transverse plane Jutting the jaw out
Retraction: Opposite of protraction Moving the jaw back
Dorsiflexion: Lifting the foot
Plantar-flexion: Depressing the foot
Inversion: Turning the sole of the foot medially
Eversion: Turning the sole of the foot laterally
Supination: Movement of the radius and ulna Lateral rotation of the arm so palm faces superiorly Anatomical position Ulna and Radius are parallel
Pronation: Opposite of supination Medial rotation of the arm so palm faces inferiorly Relaxed positio n Ulna and Radius are crossed