REMEMBER WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED: Grace does not give “license” to sin It is a matter of obedience (Rom 6:16) This obedience is accomplished by: Knowing that we are not slaves any longer Considering ourselves able to not sin Presenting ourselves to God for His service
REMEMBER ALSO WHAT GOD EXPECTS He expects us to serve Him As priests (1 Peter 2:9) As stewards (1 Peter 4:10)
REMEMBER ALSO THAT THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS A STATE OF DEVELOPMENT God offers us the joy of growth in our experiences (Romans 5:3-5) 1. Difficulty produces perseverance 2. Perseverance produces proven character 3. Proven character produces hope 4. Hope of maturity allows the fruit of the Spirit
TEXT: GALATIANS 5:15; EPHESIANS 5:18 What has God provided to help us in the process of maturing as believers?
I. THE FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A. That work of the Holy Spirit which delivers us from the power of three enemies 1. The world (Eph 2:2) 2. The flesh (Eph 2:3) 3. The devil (Eph 2:3; 6:12) B. Just as there is a divine plan and provisioin for one to be delivered from the power of sin (salvation) so there is a plan to deliver the believer from the habit and practice of sinning (pictured in John 7:37-38)
II. WHAT IS NOT NEEDED TO BE FILLED A. Prayer – The Spirit’s filling does not await the influence of prayer. He only awaits adjustment of the life B. Waiting – the disciples waited at Pentecost…since then He has waited C. Crisis – Filling does not require some supreme effort of faith to develop a permanent state…just adjustment of the will and life so He can fill
III. CONDITIONS FOR FILLING A. Grieve not the Spirit (Eph 4:30) (The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s filling is to minister through us. When we sin He must minister to us) 1. Psa 119:1,105 – God’s Word in our heart 2. Eph 3:20 – allowing the power to work 3. Heb 7:25 – Realizing the Intercessor’s work 4. 1 John 1:9 – Confessing known sin
B. Quench not the Spirit – involves an act of the will to resist the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 5:19) C. Walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16) 1. To will and to work for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13) 2. It is a yielding of one’s will to the Holy Spirit to allow Him to do His will through us.