Consumer protection in Macedonia 10 march, Zagreb
Harmonisation of the legislation 1.1 Consumers Protection Law (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, No.38/04; 77/07 and 103/08), refers to: - 13 EU Directives have been transposed. (84/450, 85/374, 85/577, 2001/95, 93/13, 94/47, 97/7, 97/55, 98/27, 1999/44, 88/378, 98/6 и 87/357).
The Law on Consumers Protection in Agreements for Consumer Credits - The application of the law started on 1st January 2008, and refers to trade companies that are not banks or saving houses - 5 licenses to trading companies for granting consumers credits - Minimum 200 EUR, Maximum EUR - Minimum 200 EUR, Maximum EUR - In the period January, 2008 –march 2010, total of 6503 credits have been approved - In the period January, 2008 –march 2010, total of 6503 credits have been approved - The Ministry of Economy is in charge of doing surveillances of granting consumer credits by trade companies. - The Ministry of Economy is in charge of doing surveillances of granting consumer credits by trade companies. - Supervision of the consumers credits providers is performed by the State Market Inspectorate - Supervision of the consumers credits providers is performed by the State Market Inspectorate
Program for protection of consumers, for the period Adopted by the Government of RM in January 2009 (Official Gazette of RM No. 3/09). - Horizontal program- Several ministries and institutions whose competencies are related to the field of consumers protection are included - Horizontal program- Several ministries and institutions whose competencies are related to the field of consumers protection are included -Ministry of economy -Ministry of Finance -Ministry of Health - The Food Directorate -Ministry of Health - State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate -Ministry of Transport and Communications -Ministry of Education and Science-Bureau for Education development
Market Surveillance 3.1 The Law for Market Surveillance - Chapter III of the Regulative No.765/2008/EEC, shall be transposed by June 2009, concerning the framework of market surveillance in the Community and control of products that enter the Community market; - The Law shall consider coordination of Inspection Bodies relevant for market surveillance and control of the products on the market in field of industrial products, chemical products, toys and others; - The Law shall consider coordination of Inspection Bodies relevant for market surveillance and control of the products on the market in field of industrial products, chemical products, toys and others; - The responsibilities of different Inspection Organs and the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia related to CE marking when entering in the Republic of Macedonia, shall be defined in the Law - The responsibilities of different Inspection Organs and the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia related to CE marking when entering in the Republic of Macedonia, shall be defined in the Law
Cooperation with NGOs on consumers protection - Financial support of the Ministry of Economy - Public Call - allocated funds to several nongovernmental organisations for consumer protection. - Membership in the European Consumers Organisation –BEUC and the World Consumers Organisation –Consumers International - The same procedure will follow also in 2010
Council for protection of consumers In June 2009 re-election is made of the Council for protection of consumers of the Government of Republic of Macedonia after the expiration of the mandate of four years The Council is consisted of 12 members, of which 8 are representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Health-Food Directorate and the State sanitary and health inspectorate, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Connections, Ministry of Education and Science-Bureau for education development, Association of economic chambers and 4 members are from associations for protection of consumers-non-governmental sector
Council for protection of consumers /2 The Council for protection of consumers monitors the realisation of the Program for protection of consumers and proposes undertaking measures for protection of health, safety and economic interest of the consumers. The Council studies the existing legal regulation and proposes appropriate amendments in the area of the legal protection of consumers. The Council cooperates with the Councils for protection of consumers on local level, for support in the conduction of activities from the local programs
2010 Action plan - directives for transposing - Directive 32005L0029 for unfair market behavior by the business entities on the internal market - Directive 31998L 0027 referring to the orders which protect the interest of the consumers and instrument collective protection of consumers will be introduced as effective mechanism of protection of the common interests of the consumers and procedures in front of the competent courts. - Directive 31998L 0027 referring to the orders which protect the interest of the consumers and instrument collective protection of consumers will be introduced as effective mechanism of protection of the common interests of the consumers and procedures in front of the competent courts. - In June 2010 the Directive 32002L0065 will be transposed with the passing of the Law on sale of the distance financial services from the ministry of finance. - In June 2010 the Directive 32002L0065 will be transposed with the passing of the Law on sale of the distance financial services from the ministry of finance. - In June 2010 the directive 32009L0048 will be transposed with in special Rulebook for children toys in accordance with the Law on product safety with which amendment will be made on the existing Rulebook from In June 2010 the directive 32009L0048 will be transposed with in special Rulebook for children toys in accordance with the Law on product safety with which amendment will be made on the existing Rulebook from Programme for Consumer protection –
Consumers Protection Unit - Total number of employees in the Unit is four (4) persons The Unit is part of Department for Internal market one new employment is planned each year in the future
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY www. mk Unit for consumer protection