Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 FAO’s Contribution to Sustainable Development in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 FAO on Food Security and Food Safety: Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Technical and physical supplies for emergency assistance Capacity building in emergency preparedness/contingency planning Disease information and technology exchange Public awareness campaign Surveillance, diagnostics and control of HPAI
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 FAO's programme on climate change: Response to Drought Crisis in Moldova Better food security monitoring and establishment of early warning systems Improved seed production, diversification and upgrading of crops Rebuilding of national herds by providing smallholder with subsidized breeding stock Improved farming practices, crop mixes, and efficient use of the natural resource base (including water) Better and more widespread agricultural insurance, including water-indexes insurance
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) (Budapest) Sub-Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest) Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (Ankara)
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 Analyses and Forecasts Capacity Building Policy Advice and Public Participation Small-scale Investment Networking/ Information exchange PR and Public Awareness Partly direct commodity support Major tools of FAO assistance EMERGENCY REHABILITATION DEVELOPMENT
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 Comparative advantages of FAO Emphasis on countries in transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Advocate policies for sustainable use of natural resources and efficient market conditions in agriculture, forestry and fishery Multidisciplinary teams facilitating holistic approach to support sustainable agriculture and rural livelihoods, particularly diversification Focus on environmental and social issues in the context of economic development
Third Regional Implementation Meeting Geneva, January 2008 Current UNECE/FAO collaboration (examples) FAO European Forestry Commission/ UNECE Timber Committee Environment for Europe Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians FAO as a partner on Sustainable Development Projects and Regional Integration of Eastern Europe Governing Council of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia