Tables lab5
Drawing a table Tables are the web designer’s best friend and worst enemy. To draw a table we will use: tag for raw tags for column.
Cont. example First Row First Row
Table attributes border Specifying table sizes (width-height) You can specify width for a table both in percents of page width and in pixels. Example : Cell Row1 Col1 Cell Row1 Col2 Cell Row2 Col1 Cell Row2 Col2
Cont. determine table width in pixels. Cell Row1 Col1 Cell Row1 Col2 Cell Row2 Col1 Cell Row2 Col2
Cont. You can specify table height too. In this way you can determine height and width of table. Width and height of table will be divided between cells in rows and columns so if table width is 100 and there are 2 columns then width of each cell will be 50. if you put a lot of text in a cell of a table it will be expanded to fit the text in it.
Text alignment in table cells or // by default
vertical alignment Use VALIGN option to tag (TOP, BOTTOM and MIDDLE. MIDDLE is default. Example : sami engineer ali doctor
Merge cells colspan and rowspan attributes in the... tags. Eg. Column merging b b
Cont. Row merging jhgjhghg hgfhbvv jjj
Images in table cells inserting tag between tags of a certain cell.