CS-3432 Electronic Commerce Lecture – 7 Sikandar Shujah Toor
Title and Meta Tags Title and meta tags are used inside the head element tag is used to write a descriptive title for the page and is shown on the title bar or tab of main window Metadata is data (information) about data Meta tag provides metadata the HTML document and is NOT displayed on the page It is typically used to describe the page description, keywords, author, last modified etc., The metadata can be used by the browser (how to display contents or reload page), search engines or other web services
Title and Meta Tags CS Introduction to e-commerce === The rest of the page goes here ====
Title and Meta Tags
Table Tag Used to display data in row and columns Tables use following basic tag: (table row tag) and are used to create/add a row (table data tag) and are used to divide a row into number of columns to create cells (table header tag) and labels each column as a heading Caption of the table
A basic 2 row, 2 column table Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell4 Cell 1Cell 2 Cell 3Cell 4
A slightly different table Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell 1 Cell 2Cell 3
Try coding… Try to code the following table design: Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
Example - COLSPAN Spanning Text Example - ROWSPAN First row This line is stretched to two rows Second Row Third Row This does not Fourth Row
Column Span
Example - ROWSPAN Spanning Text Example - ROWSPAN First row This line is stretched to two rows Second Row Third Row This does not Fourth Row
Example - ROWSPAN
Table tag attributes Border - Width - Height - Cellpadding - Cellspacing - Color - or
Example – Page with Left Margin A Page with a Left-Hand Margin This section contains the contents of your web page.
Example - Margin
Table Attributes The rest of the page goes here. Table tag attributes
Attributes for tag Width - Align - Valign-