PART 3 – USING SITES SOFTWARE C. Overview of SITES output a. Key text outputs b. Key graphical outputs SPECIALTY WORKSHOP: SITES TRAINING AND INTRODUCTION TO WINDAM ASDSO Dam Safety 2008
IDE Concept File management Data entry Output viewing & interpretationOutput viewing & interpretation Comparison of alternatives
View Summary Table Built successful runs Compare and view output Home screen View Summary Table
Select File Click demobClick demob Highlights 1 columnHighlights 1 column Activates buttonsActivates buttons –View Graphs –View Text View output for a single runView output for a single run
Text View
Find Edit FindEdit Find Keyword searchKeyword search
Keyword List ErrorError MessageMessage WarningWarning NoteNote Input DataInput Data CommentComment Basic DataBasic Data NRCS-PSHNRCS-PSH NRCS-SDHNRCS-SDH NRCS-FBHNRCS-FBH Storm HYDStorm HYD Flood HYDFlood HYD DrawdownDrawdown Rating Tables 1 & 2Rating Tables 1 & 2 Aux Spwy Surface Cond.Aux Spwy Surface Cond. Stability AnalysisStability Analysis Reach Surface PerformanceReach Surface Performance Headcut ErosionHeadcut Erosion Summary TableSummary Table
Error Message Error - program execution terminated More info: see SITES User Manual Data integrity check routine – prevent errors
Warning Program recovered Extremely unusual data combinations Determine reason for warning Correct data (if appropriate) Consult SITES Users Manual
Messages & Notes Unusual conditions - user aware –Procedure used for calculation –Information for tracking unusual output values Review related input Additional action not usually required
Input Echo List User- Windows screen inputUser- Windows screen input SITES creates text input fileSITES creates text input file
Comment Page
Basic Data Less cryptic than input text fileLess cryptic than input text file May require interpretationMay require interpretation
SDH & FBH May occur multiple times--look for context SDH sets auxiliary spillway width –given slope through stability analysis of constructed exit channel. FBH sets –Top of dam –Auxiliary spillway capacity –Auxiliary spillway integrity FBH Duration –Now 24-hr –Previously 6-hr
Drawdown Test Will reservoir drain before next storm?Will reservoir drain before next storm? Check of PS capacityCheck of PS capacity
Rating Table #1 Principal spillway rating “List Elevation- Discharge- Storage Tables” on output options Auxiliary spillway not included
Rating Table #2 Includes prin spwy and aux spwyIncludes prin spwy and aux spwy Stage – storageStage – storage
Aux Spwy Surface
Summary by reach of aux spwy CAPITALIZED reaches - constructed exit channel lower case reaches - natural ground in inlet & exit !! – reach to compute exit velocity Verify input correct - any unrealistic short reach? Assume normal depth in aux spwy
Stability Analysis
Conditions at peak of Stability Design Hydrograph Input template form – results for 1 reach Enter auxiliary spillway coordinates - all reaches Velocity & effective stress –TR-60 –Ag. Handbook #667
Reach Surface Performance Erosion stressErosion stress Headcut formationHeadcut formation
Reach Surface Performance Auxiliary spillway integrity analysis – Freeboard Hydrograph (FBH) Single storm simulation runs – entered storm hydrograph Integrity analysis - iterative three phase model Phase 1- failure of the surface cover & formation of concentrated flow –Lists phase 1 failure time or –How close the reach is to failure
Reach Surface Performance Reach 5 –Stressed to 89% of predicted surface failure –Example 80 ft spillway width –60 ft spillway - surface failed & exposed weak material below. Reach 6 –downstream of exit – headcuts 1.7 hour after hydrograph peak Reach 7 –13% slope –Develops headcut 1.5 hr after spillway flow starts (~2 hours before hydrograph peak)
Headcut Summary Most upstream headcutMost upstream headcut Deepest headcutDeepest headcut
Headcut Summary Spillway integrity analysis Table Headcut Information –Initial location –Final location –Final height Potential spillway breach - overall erosion behavior Composite of analyzed headcuts is plotted Listed max height ~ max erosion depth
Summary Table 1
text output input SITES listing tables summary rating table keywords edit search find warnings messages notes comments view echo basic drawdown auxiliary principal spillway stability headcut erosion output input SITES listing tables summary rating table keywords edit search find warnings messages notes comments view echo basic drawdown auxiliary principal spillway stability headcut erosion text input SITES listing tables summary rating table keywords edit search find warnings messages notes comments view echo basic drawdown auxiliary principal spillway stability headcut erosion text output SITES listing tables summary rating table keywords edit search find warnings messages notes comments view echo basic drawdown auxiliary principal spillway stability headcut erosion text output input SITES listing tables summary rating table keywords edit search find End Of Text Output Presentation
IDE CONCEPT Output viewing and interpretation
The profile we’re using here is a silty, highly erodible material at the surface, over a layer of sandstone, over a shale
we indicated that the spillway would be overexcavated a half-foot and backfilled with topsoil, so we have to tell the program what that material will be like (in place).
These files are all the same except each has a different width of auxiliary spillway width (from 45’ to 100’).
Specify Summary Fields
Select file and highlight it to view text and graphics.
What the summary table looks like depends on what variables you have selected. You can select from a list of some 45 input and output variables and order them as you wish.
This plot shows clearly that there is a change in conditions occurring between bed widths of 70 and 60 feet.
To understand what that “something” is, we need to look at the output in more detail. To do this, we click on a file (Democ) causing the line in the summary table associated with that line to be highlighted. In this case, the line associated with the 70 ft bed width has been highlighted. We then click on the button “View Graphics” to view the graphics associated with that line in the summary table.
Another headcut has formed at the upper end of the exit channel and is working its way through the crest.
Right Click for display information after a build.
Zoom capabilities
Note change in graph scales from previous slide. Before zoom
Below we have selected output for the BW: 200’ spillway.
You can change summary fields.
Select the data fields to be displayed by rows on the summary table.
This shows output by row rather than by columns.
Note that the line must be highlighted to view graphs or text (buttons below). This data is displayed by columns rather than by rows.
Double clicking on the material to change brings up the color chart. Changing Colors
Changing colors
Select the color you want to change and what you want to change it to. Then add to custom colors.
Note the edit is available The find feature is available here but not for the output accessible from the schematic menu.
Help is available at each input screen