Interview Skills 1 PDCP 10 - CHS
Interview Skills 2 LAND TO THE POSITION YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Introduction
Interview Skills 3 Market / Sell Yourself Pretend you are a product Know your product (SWOT) Introduction S W O T analysis Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Interview Skills 4 Market / Sell Yourself Know your customer’s needs Demonstrate how you can satisfy these needs
Interview Skills 5 Sections of Interviews Preparation The Big Day Big Day Follow-up Follow Up
Interview Skills 6 Know the Type 1.Telephone screening. 2.Screening. 3.Second or third interview 4.Headhunting. 5.One to one interview. 6.Group interviews. 7.Panel Interviews. 8.Presentations. Preparation Big DayFollow Up
Interview Skills 7 Presentation Prepare well Practice Preparation Big DayFollow Up
Interview Skills 8 Dress For Success Professional business wear is a must at most organizations (changes with the workplace though) It is a part of the first impression taken about the candidate There is no perfect outfit but try to select what suits you (don’t oversell – won’t be comfy!!!!) Preparation Big DayFollow Up
Interview Skills 9 Dress For Success Remember YOU CAN NOT MAKE ANOTHER FIRST IMPRESSION
Interview Skills 10 Dress for Success Dress appropriate to the Organization. Comfortable clothes to you. Show you have made effort. Shows that you are serious about the job. X Distract the interviewer. X Bright colors. Preparation Big DayFollow Up
Interview Skills 11 What you should know about an organization Potential advancements. Atmosphere. Benefits. Bonuses. Dress code. Ethics and integrity. Owners. Flexible / rigid structure. Organizational goals. Growth potential. Training. Turnover. Company type Main customers. Company history. Location. Management philosophy. Management structure. Office politics. Previous problems faced. Product / services. Profit / sales volume. Reputation. Research. Relocation potential. Size. Stability. Preparation Keep them In your heart Follow UpBig Day
Interview Skills 12 Ready to go to the BIG DAY !
Interview Skills 13 The Big Day Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 14 Big Day Objectives 1.Going to the interview. 2.Interview Principles, skills & tips 3.Playing the game 4.First Impression 5.Verbal communication 6.The interview questions 7.Gesture and body language 8.Worst Case Scenarios Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 15 Going to the interview Your route: PLACE Know how to get there. How long it will take. Always allow for extra time. Arrival: TIME Five minutes early is about right. Always be polite and friendly to everybody, you never know who the boss is!!!!! Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 16 First Impression Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 17 First Impression Elements 55% 38% 7% Appearance Speech Words Preparation Big Day Follow Up See how important this stuff is?
Interview Skills 18 Verbal / Non Verbal Communication Greet the interviewer with a strong handshake. Eye contact is an important component of the interview (don’t look at the floor). Always feel relaxed not confused or somewhat stressed (don’t look like you have no idea why you are there, be happy). Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 19 Talking Vs. Listening time Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 20 During The Interview Sell yourself and be confident about your qualifications (know what you can do). Be honest about your reasons for wanting the job (not because “you got nothin’ better to do man”). Emphasize the positive sides of your personality (you will get a chance….). Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 21 Talking tips (Do) Wait for him/her to finish speaking. Take time, and collect your thoughts. Answer the question (don’t ramble, you aunt in Toronto is great but not at this time). Speak simple and professional (no swearing). Humor is important but be serious (please don’t crack jokes). You will appear Calm, Confident & Polite. Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 22 Talking tips (Don’ts) XAnswer before being asked. XQuickly fill the silence. XAsk irrelevant questions to the job. XUse the umms, ahhs and slang. XUse your own jargons or profanity. XInterrupt Being smart is never expressed by words. Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 23 Ten things Employers looks for 1.What results you’ll achieve? 2.How soon you’ll be productive? 3.How much supervision will you need? 4.Do you generate more value than cost? 5.Can you become high performer? 6. Will you fit into the culture? 7. Will you be fun to work with? 8. Are you responsible? 9. Can you manage your own development? 10. Will you stay? Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 24 Four Most Common Interview Question Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills Why did you leave your job ? Fired? Be Positive Be honest. Quickly explain it… No details Never ever lie about it or around it Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills What is your biggest weakness ? Simply, tell him/her You are working on it. Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills Tell Me a Little About Yourself Your key accomplishments at previous jobs/volunteer/clubs or groups. The strengths demonstrated by those accomplishments. How these relate to the job for which you're applying (make sure you practice these). Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills Do You Have Any Questions for Me? Job Description What is the next step in the interview process? Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 29 DO NOT ask about salary, vacation days, benefits or anything else that would make it look like you're more interested in the compensation package than the company Don't ask too many questions (you should have much of this info before the interview) Preparation Big Day Follow Up 4. Do You Have Any Questions for Me?
Interview Skills 30 Nervous Candidate – Which one? Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 31 Interviewer Body Talks – Pay attention!! Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 32 Body Language - Watch it Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 33 Worst case Scenarios Late for the interview ? Don’t know how to answer a question ? Forgot to bring copies of my resumes ? Called the interviewer by the wrong name ? Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 34 End The Big day Journey Preparation Big Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 35 Remember: they are looking for the right person for the job not the best person overall. Follow Up If you get the job, thank them (if you have decided you don’t want the job, thank them anyway and let them know right away you are turning it down). You should get benefit of any interview. If you get to interview stage it means that you can do the job. PreparationBig Day Follow Up
Interview Skills 36 Don't forget to be yourself. Looking natural and feeling confident is your best asset. Finally;