Junior English Valerie Best
Course Description This is an English course designed to assist students in one of the most essential skills they will ever use – that of writing. This course emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, composing, research, speech vocabulary, mechanics, and usage skills.
Course Description (cont.) Additionally, this course integrates the modes of expository writing with the study of American Literature. Course content combines the study of literary models of fiction and non-fiction and the composition skills of exposition. Literary emphasis is on themes and literary movements in America.
This is a required class for graduation.
Course Activities & Assignments Writing Assignments (50%) –Narrative –Rhetorical Analysis –Critical Review –Definition –Argumentative Research Essay –All parts of the Writing Process
Course Activities & Assignments Performance (30%) –Announced/unannounced tests and quizzes –Presentations –Socratic Seminars –Bi-Weekly vocabulary & grammar exams all exams are cumulative
Course Activities & Assignments Homework/Classwork (10%) –Grammar activities –Vocabulary exercises & notecards –Graded homework/classwork (not including the writing process)
Course Activities & Assignments Final Exams (10%) –Writing Final (In-Class Essay) –Vocabulary & Grammar Final –Literature Final
All essays must show use of the writing process to be accepted for a grade. There will be a 10% grade reduction if any part of the writing process is missing. *prewriting *outline *rough draft *works cited (if applicable) *sources (if applicable)
All parts of the writing process must be turned in on their due dates, otherwise students will not earn credit. This is necessary because students will not be able to participate in class if they do not have the necessary assignments completed. Additionally, all parts of the writing process will be included in the Writing Assignments score.
Turnitin.com -Students are required to submit all final drafts to Turnitin.com. -If the essay is not submitted to the website on the due date, a zero will put in the portal until the essay is submitted. After submission, the zero will be removed. -In addition to submitting essays to the website, students are also required to submit a hard copy of the essay and the writing process on the day the essay is due in class.
Assignment & Due Date Requirements No late work will accepted for full credit unless there is an excused absence. Computer & printer problems cannot be used as an excuse for late work. If students run into these problems, they should print it in the library (before school, at lunch, and after school).
Assignment & Due Date Requirements If a student is on campus for even one class period during the day an essay is due, I expect the essay to be turned in to me sometime that day; otherwise, it will be considered late and will receive half credit.
Assignment & Due Date Requirements NO credit will be given to work missed due to unexcused absences.
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