Exam and Portfolio 1.Negotiate Week 14 Exam 2.Exam Planning 3.Review Writing #3 4.Writing #3 Considerations 5.Writing #3 Criteria 6.Writing #3 Planning 7.Course Evaluations English 714 Ed Nagelhout 17 November 2010
Week 14 Exam The exam is your opportunity to show an engagement with the course concepts and an ability to convey their relationships in combination.
Exam Considerations 1.How much time do you want? 2.What types of questions? How many questions? How many choices? 3.Which topics should we focus on? All of them? Some of them? Time, Form, Topics
Exam Criteria Create a list of the three most essential criteria for evaluating the exam and define the characteristics of each criterion. In small groups:
Teaching Portfolio A teaching portfolio should document your teaching performance, presenting your most important teaching strengths, skills, and accomplishments.
Review Writing #3 Describe Writing #3 using genre features: Format Development Organization Visual Markers Style/Language Use of Sources Describe Writing #3 based on the rhetorical triangle
Writing #3 Considerations Introduction/Guide Philosophy In-Class Activities Out-of-Class Activities Response Evaluation Appendices Possible Sections:
Planning Writing #3 In small groups, describe features and/or examples of documents for each section: 1.Introduction/Guide 2.Philosophy 3.In-Class Activities 4.Out-of-Class Activities 5.Response 6.Evaluation 7.Appendices
Writing #3 Criteria Create a list of the three most essential criteria for evaluating the portfolio and define the characteristics of each criterion. In small groups:
1.Prepare for Week 14 Exam (no class meeting) 2.Finish revising/editing Writing #2 (Due November 19) 3.Begin Drafting Writing #3 (First Draft Due December 1) For Next Week