Module 8 Training ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Business topic Training Business skills Showing you are listening.


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 1. draft v. 起草,草拟 draft the contract 起草 合同, 草拟合同 起草合同, 也可以说 也可以说: draw up the contract prepare the contract make out the contract  2. As to the packing,
3D 老虎机 最好是在线老虎机游戏是一个赚钱而获 得乐趣的明确方式。 而他们愿意毫不犹豫地花钱。 在线老虎机游戏会给你一个很公平的优 势,因为它依赖运气和时间。
Presentation transcript:

Module 8 Training ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Business topic Training Business skills Showing you are listening

Contents Warming up—ways of training Listening: assessing training needs Reading 8.1 Training Writing

The Main Tasks of HR Department  Recruit New employees ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC …?

Ways of Training Face-to –face training Online training ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Braining storming Advantages ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Face-to –face training Online training 2 minutes to discuss And then speak out your opinion

p76 Reading find the proper courses 1. Be responsible for 10 people and hard to get the best of them 2. I prefer working on my own, I get so much more done. 3. The departments never seem to know what the other is doing 4. Why don’t my staff do what I ask them? ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

If the staff are not satisfied with the course, and report to you the following questions 1 st day--- the trainer was late for 30 minutes A delay due to the room change Discover solutions rather than tell the trainees what to do What to do next ?  Write to the training center  Complain the problem  How to write a letter of complaints. ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Supplementary: Dealing with complaints

Reasons to complain Reason to complain Product with flaw Delayed delivery Wrong note Wrong delivery Poor quality Service ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

What is in a letter of complaint ? ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Part 4 Speak out your intention( 表明立场 ) Part 3 Solution to the problem 提出解决方案 Part 2 Make a complaint 提起投诉 Part 1 State the facts 陈述事实 ACTION

State the facts 陈述事实 Last month, we ordered two dozen copies of Write for Modern Business from you The above shipment of components was delivered today, and was checked on delivery. ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Make a complaint 提起投诉 The reason you make a complaint // the inconvenience caused 1. On checking the camera I discovered that it did not function. 经检查发现我的相机似乎不能用 2. You assured us that you could deliver the curtains within one week, yet this has not happened. 贵方保证窗 帘一周内定能送到,然而至今我们仍未收到。 ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Make a complaint 提起投诉 1. Although you delivered ten dozen ABC tin openers, you have asked us to pay for twelve dozen. 贵方运到的是十打开罐器,但是却要求我方付十 二打的货款。 2. Your slowness is causing a great deal of inconvenience. 由于贵方办事拖拉,给我方带来极大不便。 ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Solution to the problem 提出解决方案 We /I should be obliged if you would replace the goods you delivered with the correct ones. 贵方若 能更换发错的货物,我们 / 本人将不胜感激。 We should appreciate your looking into this matter and arranging for delivery within the next three days. 谨希望贵方能对此进行调查,三天之内安排发货, 我们将不胜感激。 ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Speak out your intention( 表明立场 ) Further delays in delivery will/may/might/could result in our cancelling our order. 如果贵方再次延误 交货,我们将可能取消订单。 If you can not refund all the money we have paid, we shall have no choice but to seek legal advice in the matter. 如果我方已付款项不能全额退还,我们别无 选择,只能向律师征询法律意见。 ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

A letter of complaint ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Homework (a team work) P 83 Write a letter of complaint according to the situation given in Ex. 6 ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

8.2 showing you’re listening ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC How to be a good listener

Contents Reading--- The importance of listening Listening: Good and bad listeners Speaking Writing--- Responding to a letter of compliant Writing--- Responding to a letter of compliant 8.2 showing you’re listening

Reading: the importance of listening ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Listening : Good and bad listeners ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Listening: Good and bad listeners Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Ask questions & using encouraging words “really” Interrupts and give opinion directly Says what to do without finding out what other person feels Checks and shows understanding ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Showing you are listening

Speaking: showing you are listening Find a partner, talk about the following topics for one minute. The other person uses the phrases to show they are listening. a. Describe what you did after class last night b. Explain a difficulty or problem you are facing c. How to choose training courses, online training or face-to-face training ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Writing—Responding to a letter of complaint Review a letter of complaint ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Part 4 Speak out your intention( 表明立场 ) Part 3 Solution to the problem 提出解决方案 Part 2 Make a complaint 提起投诉 Part 1 State the facts 陈述事实 ACTION

A letter of complain ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

P 83 Listening --- What happened next? ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Writing—Responding to a letter of complaint ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC Refer to the previous letterApologize and Explain the situationAction followed

Review- a letter of complaint Following my recent experience of your hotel, I have decide to send you some feedback in the hope that you can improve your service. ---arrive at receptionist at 6 pm, there’s no my booking record ---meeting room was double-booked, my clients waited 45 minutes ----while I agree with the sentiment of this policy, I don’t think that changing at least one towel is unreasonable. Despite having been very satisfied with your services in the past I may have to reconsider using your hotel… ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC

Response to a letter of complaint Thanks for your recent letter regarding your stay at our hotel. I regret that the experience did not achieve your normal expectations. I have now spoken to the staff involved and as a result I am in a position to comment. --online booking system has been undergoing some changes and this may have affected your booking -- apologize for any delay, but all meeting rooms are equipped with the same level of services The hotel thinks it must play its part in working towards helping the environment. However, your comments on towels will be raised at our next meeting on this policy. -- offer you a free two-day voucher, which can be used at this hotel in he future. --- best regards ZDNF College English Teaching Center BEC