Amanda Zhang Computer 8 Block A
75% of Earth is covered by water Water - Boils at 100 degrees - Freeze at 0 degrees Cloud and Rain contains water 75% of human body is water Water is a regulator of body temperature Food that has water: - Fruits & Meats, etc. Water’s Definition: - A Clear, Colorless, Tasteless liquid
Formed by Molten Rocks and Magma It formed crystals and gemstones Two Types: - Silicate Minerals ( Silica and Oxygen) - Non-silicate Minerals (Magma) Food that has Minerals: - Water, Fruits, Grains, etc. Totally, there are 6 kinds of Minerals: -Calcium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium Mineral’s Definition: -A substance has a chemical composition
Two main types of vitamins: -water-soluble vitamins -fat-soluble vitamins (store in body fats) Totally 12 kind They are natural substance found plants and animals They help body stay healthy They help eyesight, bones, get heal Foods that has vitamins in them: -Meat, Fruits, and vegetables Definitions of Vitamins: -Any various substance for growth from foods
Fibres occur in both plants and animals There are two kinds of fibres: -Regenerated Fibre -Synthetic Fibre Fibres keep the Digestive system healthy Foods that have it in: -Fruits, Grains, Vegetables and Nuts Definition of Fibre: -Fibre is a long, thin strand or thread of materials
Protein is essential for our body It does: -regulates body processes -building and repairing body tissues -keeps the body healthy Foods that have Protein in: -Meats, Dairy Products and Grains
Fat is a component in food Three types of Fats: - Trans Fat - Saturated Fat - Unsaturated Fat Fats elevate blood levels Foods that has it: - nuts, oil, butter, and meats Definition of Fats: - The food that provide energy to body
It is one of the important sources Two Types of Carbohydrates: - Simple (also called simple sugars) - Complex (include grains) Foods that have it: - Fruits, Grains, Candy and Bread It is fuel for body muscles and brains Definition: -It is a component that provides energy